Math 0220
Student Guidelines and Syllabus
About the course
This is the first in a sequence of three calculus courses for science
and engineering students. The goal is to prepare
you to make use of calculus as a practical problem-solving tool.
Course Prerequisites
Minimum math placement score of 76 or Math 0200 with minimum grade of C.
The text for this course is James Stewart, Essential Calculus,
Early Transcendentals, second edition.
Students may choose to use the first edition of the text, which may be
available used at a lower cost. If you wish to do so, you should
consult this policy.
The Monday session each week will meet in the Calculus Computer Lab in
the Posvar Hall (WWPH 1200A).
In the lab, you will work individually on problem solving skills, using
computer generated problems. Your TA will be available to help if you
get stuck, but you are expected to solve all problems yourself.
You may not complete all of your work during the scheduled lab sessions,
in which case you are expected to complete it on your own.
You will be able to work on your lab problems from any computer with
an Internet connection and a web browser.
Once a week you will meet with your TA in a classroom (without computers) to
go over problems related to the material covered the previous week. This
recitation is also when quizzes will be administered.
You will be provided a list of practice problems from the textbook.
You are expected to solve these problems, although they will not be
collected and graded. Exam and quiz problems will often
be modeled on these problems.
Your course grade will be determined as follows:
- Two midterm exams 50% (25% each)
- Final exam 30%
- LON CAPA assignments 10%
- Quizzes 10%
Final Exam Policy
The final exam will be administered during class on December 12 and 14.
Exam Dates
The midterm exams will be held on October 10 and November 14.
In addition to the textbook, you will need at least a scientific calculator.
Any calculator with logarithms, exponentials, and trigonometric functions
will do. Programmability is desirable but not essential. A graphing
calculator, such as the TI83 or TI86, is better still.
Computer Accounts
As a University of Pittsburgh student, you should already have a
Pitt computer account. You will need to know your username and
password to access the computer resources in the lab.
Getting Help
Walk in tutoring is available in the Calculus/Engineering Lab
and in the Math Assistance Center (MAC) on the second floor of the O'Hara
student center. Tutoring hours will be posted outside the lab and the MAC,
as well as on the web
You should go the Calculus/Engineering Lab for help with computer
work, and to the MAC for assistance with pencil and paper work.
Office Hours
Office Hours will initially be held in Thackeray 426; moved elsewhere if there is insufficient space.
- Monday 4:00pm - 5:15pm
- Wednesday 4:00pm - 515pm
Additional office hours are available by appointment.
Disability Resource Services
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an
accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the
Office of Disability Resources and Services,
216 William Pitt Union (412) 624-7890 as early as possible in the term.
Academic Integrity
Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Students suspected of violating the University of Pittsburgh Policy on
Academic Integrity will incur a minimum sanction of a zero score for the quiz,
exam or paper in question. Additional sanctions may be imposed, depending
on the severity of the infraction.