Dessins d'Enfants

Undergraduate Seminars, UN 3952, Spring 2022

Welcome to the undergraduate seminar!

In this seminar, we will study dessins d'enfants (children's drawings). These are topological graphs that provide combinatorial information about Riemann surfaces, algebraic curves, and certain Galois actions. Students will encounter concepts from a breadth of mathematical disciplines, including:
  • Algebraic topology
  • Algebraic geometry
  • Complex analysis
  • Graph theory
  • Number theory
  • Riemannian geometry

Throughout the semester, students will study and present talks on the theory of compact Riemann surfaces and dessins d'enfants. References for the talks include the books Introduction to Compact Riemann Surfaces and Dessins D'Enfants by Girondo—González-Diez and Dessins d'Enfants on Riemann Surfaces by Jones—Wolfart, as well as other books and articles.

Students should be familiar with abstract algebra (MATH 4041 and 4042) and complex analysis (MATH 3007 or 4065). Additional background, such as in the aforementioned branches of mathematics, will be helpful in exploring the discipline.

Grading is based on presentation quality and active participation during other students' presentations during the semester. This semester, each student presents four 45-minute talks or two 90-minute talks, or some combination thereof.

The seminar meets in Math 622 from 4:00PM—6:00PM (ET) on Mondays.

A general overview of this semester's undergraduate seminars is available here.
To contact me, please email me directly using your Columbia UNI email.

Seminar schedule

Date Speaker Title References
September 19
(7:30pm, Zoom)
Dave Bayer
Raymond Cheng
Hindy Drillick
Emily Saunders
Robin Zhang
Organizational meeting (all sections)
January 31 Robin Zhang Organizational meeting and overview of dessins d'enfants [GG]§Preface
February 7 Sage (Shanzheng) Ba

Nicholas Lillis
Connectedness and compactness in point-set topology

Holomorphic and meromorphic functions in complex analysis

[Cza]§Complex analysis
[SS]§1.1-1.3, 3.1-3.3
February 14 Elena Gribelyuk

Sid Mane
Affine curves

Basic definitions & examples of Riemann surfaces
[Ful]§1.1-1.7, 2.1-2.4, 3.1

February 21 Sophia Fanelle

David Fang
Projective space and projective curves

Morphisms between Riemann surfaces and differentials
[Ful]§4.1-4.3, 5.1, 5.3

February 28 Sage (Shanzheng) Ba

Nicholas Lillis
The classical Euler characteristic and fundamental group

The Euler characteristic and fundamental group of a Riemann surface

March 7 David Fang

Elena Gribelyuk
Ramified coverings of the sphere and the Riemann–Hurwitz formula

Definition of dessins d'enfants and permutation pairs
[GG]§1.2.4-1.2.6, 3.1

March 14 Spring Break (no meeting) Spring Break (no meeting)
March 21 Elena Gribelyuk

Sophia Fanelle
Belyi's theorem and triangle decompositions of dessins d'enfants

Absolute Galois groups and their actions
[GG]§3.1, 4.2

March 28 Sid Mane

Sophia Fanelle
Properties and applications of bipartite graphs

Galois covers of Riemann surfaces
[ADH]§2.2-4, 11

April 4 Sid Mane

Nicholas Lillis
Chebyshev polynomials


April 11 David Fang The abc conjecture and its analogues for polynomials & Riemann surfaces [Gol1]
April 18 Sage (Shanzheng) Ba The absolute Galois group of the rationals in number theory [Mac]
April 25 Elena Gribelyuk

Sid Mane
Trees and Shabat polynomials

Galois actions on dessins d'enfants

May 2 Nicholas Lillis

Sophia Fanelle
Zeta functions and relations to Riemann surfaces

Dessins d'enfants from a categorical perspective





YouTube videos