
I am an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow and Instructor at MIT. I received my PhD from Columbia University under the supervision of Michael Harris in May 2023.

My main research interests are in number theory, automorphic forms, and Diophantine geometry. In particular:

•  Special values of L-functions
•  Representations of p-adic and finite groups
•  Rational, torsion, and periodic points

I am also a trained sommelier and member of the Send Chinatown Love team that wrote the 2024 James Beard Award-Nominated cookbook Made Here, the net proceeds of which go to NYC community-building efforts (e.g. Gift-a-Meal).

Email: "robinz" at (3-letter institution) dot "edu"
Office: Room 238A, Building 2, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139

Recipes & Reflections from NYC