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Intrinsic definition

What is wrong with this defintion? Nothing really, it is just that it is a bit of a pain to have to construct an `extension' of X across the boundary to show that it is a manifold with corners. For this reason I want to give a more intrinsic definition (which gets me into a bit of trouble) and then leave it to you to check some of the details showing that the same spaces arise from the two approaches, that is to show that this is an alternative characterization of manifolds with corners.

Using the open subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline214 as the model spaces and the defintiion of a manifold (without boundary) as the starting point it is natural to try

Definition A tied manifold is a paracompact, Hausdorff topological space X which has a covering by open subsets tex2html_wrap_inline218 tex2html_wrap_inline220 with homeomorphisms onto open sets tex2html_wrap_inline222 such that for each pair tex2html_wrap_inline224 for which tex2html_wrap_inline226 the map


has the property that


First notice that this all makes sense. The sets tex2html_wrap_inline232 are open, so we have already defined the spaces tex2html_wrap_inline234 The main condition here just says that if tex2html_wrap_inline236 then tex2html_wrap_inline238

Of course you should not expect this definition to give exactly the same spaces as the previous one, otherwise I would not have wasted time giving them a different name! To see what the relationship is precisely, first we can define tex2html_wrap_inline240 for any tied manifold by


We can then say that a manifold with corners is a tied manifold, meaning that its space tex2html_wrap_inline240 arises this way. Not only can we say it, but it is true.

Theorem Any manifold with corners is a tied manifold. A tied manifold is a manifold with corners if and only if there is a finite collection of elements tex2html_wrap_inline246 such that if tex2html_wrap_inline248 and tex2html_wrap_inline250 gif is such that tex2html_wrap_inline252

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Richard B. Melrose
Thu Sep 19 07:37:20 EDT 1996