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Extrinsic definition

Mainly because it is easy to state, we give a definition of a manifold with corners which corresponds to it being a domain in a manifold without boundary. Since this depends on the construction of an `appropriate', but by no means unique, extension across the boundary it is an extrinsic definition (and therefore somewhat objectionable).

Definition A set X with a space of (real-valued) functions tex2html_wrap_inline158 defined on it is a manifold with corners if it has the following interrelated properties.

  1. There is a smooth (that is infinitely differentiable) manifold without boundary, Y, and an injection tex2html_wrap_inline162 with tex2html_wrap_inline164
  2. There is a finite collection of functions tex2html_wrap_inline166 tex2html_wrap_inline168 such that for any tex2html_wrap_inline170 and any collection I of indices such that tex2html_wrap_inline174 for all tex2html_wrap_inline176 the differentials tex2html_wrap_inline178 for tex2html_wrap_inline176 are independent in tex2html_wrap_inline182
  3. tex2html_wrap_inline184

We usually write tex2html_wrap_inline186

Richard B. Melrose
Thu Sep 19 07:37:20 EDT 1996