Instructor: Bjorn Poonen
Lectures: TTh 8:10-9:30am, 70 Evans
Course Control Number: 55170
Office: 879 Evans, e-mail: poonen@math
Office Hours: M 2:10-3pm, Th 11:10-12 (last one 12/4/03) or by appointment.
Teaching assistant: Brian Rothbach, 1042 Evans, e-mail: rothbach@math, office hours: WF 11-12
Prerequisite: Math 114 (or equivalent undergraduate abstract algebra) or consent of instructor.
Syllabus: We will cover Appendix 2 and most of Chapters I-VI in Lang's text: a little set theory (Zorn's lemma and cardinality), groups (including the Sylow theorems and the Jordan-Hölder theorem), rings, modules, polynomials, algebraic field extensions, Galois theory (including infinite Galois theory, and an introduction to Galois cohomology, if there is time). There is a lot of material, so students will be expected to read the text for definitions and theorems not covered in class. Class time will serve to emphasize important points, to clarify difficult topics, and to supplement the text as needed.
Required Text: Lang, Algebra (revised third edition, Springer, 2002). Errata
Other books (not required):
Grading: There will be no exams. Grades will be based on weekly homework.
Homework: Assignments will be due in class on Tuesdays.
Late homeworks will not be accepted.
You are free to consult any sources (animate or inanimate) while doing your
homework, but if you use anything (or anyone) other than your class notes
or the texts listed above, you should say so on your homework.
Staple loose sheets!!!
Click here for reading and homework assignments.
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Solutions will be posted on Brian Rothbach's website.