Accurate and Efficient Computations with Structured Matrices


Description of the problem

Many practical problems, when modelled mathematically, are ultimately reduced to a matrix problem--the solution to a linear system, an eigenvalue or a singular value problem. The resulting matrix problem is then solved in floating point arithmetic using a conventional matrix algorithm such as the ones in LAPACK or MATLAB.

Limitations of the conventional matrix algorithms

These algorithms treat matrices as unstructured and deliver high absolute accuracy. This means that only well conditioned problems are solved accurately. For example, only the largest eigenvalues or singular values of a matrix are computed to high relative accuracy; the tiny eigenvalues and singular values are often lost to roundoff.

For example, computing the eigenvalues of the 100-by-100 Pascal matrix using, e.g., eig(pascal(100)) in MATLAB yields the red curve in the following figure

which is far from the correct answer---the blue curve (obtained by a call to TNEigenValues(ones(100))). The blue curve is symmetric, as expected, since the eigenvalues of the Pascal matrix come in reciprocal pairs.

The need for accurate algorithms

No one can complain about getting the right answer, but this is especially true when the desired quantity is very accurately determined by the data. In the example above, the smallest eigenvalue of the Pascal matrix is determined very accurately: it is the reciprocal of the largest one. The smallest eigenvalues and singular values are often determined very accurately by the data, thus justifying the search for accurate algorithms for their computation.

How we design accurate algorithms

The first step is to find a structure-revealing representation, i.e., a parameterization that reveals the matrix structure (and hopefully determines the desired quantities accurately). For example: The second step is to arrange the computations in such a way that subtractive cancellation does not occur. This is typically possible by making some conventional matrix algorithms operate directly on the parameters in the structure-revealing representation. For example, to perform Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting on an M-matrix, one computes separately, the offdiagonal elements and the row sums of the Schur complement (which is also an M-matrix); see our paper.

The need to avoid subtractive cancellation

Subtractive cancellation is the most common reason for loss of relative accuracy. It occurs when two intermediate, nearly identical quantities (known with certain uncertainty, say only to 10 digits) are subtracted. The result may contain a lot fewer correct significant digits than the summands; in fact, it may consist entirely of roundoff. It is interesting that there is no rounding error generated by the subtraction in which subtractive cancellation occurs (see Demmel's 1997 book, problem 1.18 to see why). This subtraction is simply the messenger revealing the loss of accuracy at earlier stages in the computation. There is a lot of current research on the arithmetic expressions that can be computed accurately in floating point arithmetic, but avoidance of subtractive cancellation has been a key point in the development of the most recent high-relative accuracy algorithms.

Matrix structures with which one can perform accurate computations