A picture of me.

Dmitry Vaintrob

Office: E18-401C
Email: mitkav[at]math[dot]mit[dot]edu

I am a fifth-year graduate student at MIT. My advisor is Roman Bezrukavnikov. I'm interested in geometric representation theory, number theory, derived algebraic geometry and topology. A draft of my thesis can be found here.


  • Introduction to Representation Theory. with P. Etingof, O. Goldberg, S. Hensel, T. Liu, A. Schwendler and E. Yudovina. AMS Publishing (2011)
  • The string topology BV algebra, Hochschild cohomology and the Goldman bracket on surfaces. arXiv:math/0702859 (2006)
  • On the Surjectivity of Galois Representations Associated to Elliptic Curves over Number Fields. with E. Larson. Bulletin of the London Mathematics Society, vol. 46. Pp. 197-209. (2014)
  • Determinants of Subquotients of Galois Representations Associated to Abelian Varieties. with E. Larson and Appendix by B. Conrad. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, vol. 13 No. 3, pp 517-559 (2014)
  • The non-equivariant coherent-constructible correspondence and incomplete topologies. Preprint (2015)
  • Nonabelian Hodge Theory and the Local Monodromy Theorem. with V. Vologodsky. (2015)
  • Talks