Photo Credits: Jimin Yoon

Jae Hee Lee - 이재희

Department of Mathematics

MIT 2-340b

E-mail address: jaehlee39 at gmail dot com

Hello! I have recently received my Ph.D. from MIT. Starting September, I will be a Szegö assistant professor at Stanford University.

I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Paul Seidel. Previously I was an undergraduate at Stanford University, supervised by Prof. Yakov Eliashberg.

My research interests lie in symplectic topology and its relationship to nearby fields, including geometric representation theory and mirror symmetry.

My Curriculum Vitae. (Last Update: Mar 2024)


Quantum Steenrod operations of symplectic resolutions, submitted. (arXiv)

Flat endomorphisms of mod p equivariant quantum connections from quantum Steenrod operations, submitted. (arXiv)

Double ramification contact homology, undergraduate honors thesis.


In Winter (IAP) 2024, I was responsible for course management and recitation leading for 18.095: Mathematics Lecture Series.

In Fall 2023, I led recitations for 18.02: Multivariate Differential and Integral Calculus.

In Spring 2022, I led recitations for 18.02: Multivariate Differential and Integral Calculus.

In 2022, I served as a teaching assistant for the Youtube 16-lecture minicourse A Math Class for Everyone(직장인과 문과생을 위한 수학교실) led by Dr. Gunhee Cho, targeted towards general audience speaking Korean language.

Seminars and Workshops

During years 2022-2024, I was a co-organizer of Kylerec student workshop.

In Spring 2024, I co-organized a Reading seminar on crystalline cohomology and Gauss--Manin connections with Zihong Chen and Yonghwan Kim.

In Spring 2022, I co-organized a Reading group on Ganatra--Pardon--Shende I, II with Zihong Chen.
