Paper Learning Seminar

In this seminar, we read papers published on high-profile journals.

Time and Place:

11am-12:45pm ET time, at 2-255 MIT.

Date Title Speaker Notes
Feb06 Research talk: Compatibility of Fargues-Scholze parameters for special orthogonal and unitary groups Hao Peng TBA
Feb13 On the generic part of the cohomology of non-compact unitary Shimura varieties Hao Peng TBA
Feb20 On the meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series Ryan Chen TBA
Feb27 On the meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series Weixiao Lu TBA
Mar13 Research talk: Genus 2 curves and motives for modular forms Vijay Srinivasan TBA
Apr03 A prismatic approach to crystalline local systems Daniel Hu TBA
Apr10 A prismatic approach to crystalline local systems Xinyu Zhou TBA
May01 Integral canonical models of exceptional Shimura varieties Alexander Petrov TBA
May08 Independence of \ell for Frobenius conjugacy classes attached to abelian varieties Hao Peng TBA