Double affine Hecke algebras and applications (AMS meeting, Riverside, November 5, 2017)
A counterexample to the PBW theorem, Montreal, July 2017
A counterexample to the PBW theorem, Reims, June 2017
Cyclotomic double affine Hecke algebras, Columbia U., December 2016
D-modules on Poisson varieties, Poisson homology and symplectic resolutions, Zurich, summer 2016
Exact sequences of tensor categories with respect to a module category, Boston, July 2016
Graded fusion categories and homotopy theory, Perimeter Instituite, October 2015
D-modules, Poisson homology, and complex singularities, Arnold memorial conference, Toronto, November 2014
Introduction to Poisson-Lie groups, Lie bialgebras and their quantization, UIUC, summer 2014:
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Cherednik algebras and Torus knots, Banff, June 2014
On Elliptic Calogero-Moser Systems for Complex Crystallographic Reflection Groups, Simons center, December
Symplectic reflection algebras and affine Lie algebras, I. Frenkel 60th birthday conference,
New Haven, May 2012
D-modules on Poisson varieties and Poisson traces, Worldwide center of Mathematics, Cambridge, MA, September 2011
Representatuion theory in complex rank, Newton Institute, March 2009
Topology of the moduli space of real stable curves of genus 0 with n marked points, 2006
Orbifold Hecke algebras, Borel memorial conference, Switzerland, Summer 2005
Pavel Etingof
Last modified: Tue Dec 5 17:41:47 EST 2017