Ph.D. students

  • My mathematical genealogy
  • Adriano Adrega de Moura (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2003, advised jointly with Alcibiades Rigas)
  • Martina Balagovic (MIT, 2011)
  • Tatyana Chmutova (Harvard, 2006)
  • Vasily Dolgushev (MIT, 2005)
  • Inna Entova-Aizenbud (MIT, 2015)
  • Ching-Hwa Eu (MIT, 2008)
  • David Jordan (MIT, 2011)
  • Nathan Harman (MIT, 2017)
  • Daniil Kalinov (MIT, 2021)
  • Arun Kannan (MIT)
  • Daniil Klyuev (MIT)
  • Frederic Latour (MIT, 2004)
  • Xiaoguang Ma (MIT, 2010)
  • Silvia Montarani (MIT, 2008), Instructor at the Champlain College, Saint Lambert, Canada
  • Dmitri Nikshych (UCLA, 2001, advised jointly with Edward Effros)
  • Alexei Oblomkov (MIT, 2005)
  • Alexei Pakharev (Northeastern University, 2021, advised jointly with Valerio Toledano-Laredo)
  • Christopher Ryba (MIT, 2020)
  • Travis Schedler (U. of Chicago, 2008, advised jointly with Victor Ginzburg)
  • Olivier Schiffmann (U. Cergy Pontoise, 2000, advised jointly with Eric Vasserot)
  • Seth Shelley-Abrahamson (MIT, 2018)
  • Alexandre Soloviev (MIT, 2000)
  • Emanuel Stoica (MIT, 2010)
  • Yi Sun (MIT, 2016)
  • Daniel Thompson (MIT, 2017)
  • Daniel Thompson at UNC
  • Olexander Tsymbaliuk (MIT, 2014)
  • Alexandra Utiralova (MIT)
  • Siddharth Venkatesh (MIT, 2019)
  • Stewart Wilcox (Harvard, 2011)

    Pavel Etingof
    Last modified: Thu Jun 10 09:04:31 EDT 2021