Since 1980 more or less
- On
a Conjecture of Brualdi and Shen
on Tournament Score Sequences,with P. Acosta, A Bassa, A.Chaikin,
A, Reihl, A. Tingstad, submitted.
- On partitions of discrete boxes (with N. Alon, T.
Bohman and R. Holzman) , Discrete Mathematics, to
- On Convex Sets with Three of Every Four
Intersect, with A. Gyarfas and G,
Toth, to appear.
- Six lonely runners (with T. Bohman and R.
Holzman), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics ,
8(2) (2001), R3.
- On a problem in shuffling, with N. Alon, and, K. Berman, J. Combinatorial
Theory, Ser. A 91 (2000), 5-14.
- On
The Future of Combinatorics, (Ch10), Essays on the Future in Honor of Nick
Metropolis, Birkhauser Boston 2000 124-135.
- A Dictionary-Based Approach for Gene
Annotation. with Lior Pachter, Serafim Batzoglou, Valentin I. Spitkovsky, E. Banks, Eric S. Lander, Bonnie Berger: Journal of
computational Biology 6 1 1999.
- My
Career in the Movies, Notices of AMS, April 1998.
- Recent Developments in Computational Gene
Recognition.” with . S. Batzoglou, B. Berger, D.J., E.S.
Lander, and L. Pachter Documenta
Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM I, 649-658, 1998.
- Finding Convex Sets Among Points in the Plane,
with L. Pachter, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 19 (3) (1998)
p 405-410.
- A
Purely Combinatorial Proof of the Hadwiger Debrunner - Conjecture with N. Alon Electronic Journal of
Combinatorics 4 2(t1997) 8 pages.
- On the Design of Reliable Boolean Circuits That
Contain Partially Unreliable Gates.with Frank Thomson Leighton, Yuan Ma: JCSS 55(3): 385-401 (1997).
- Forcing Disjoint Segments in the Plane, with W.
Goddard and M. Katchalski, European Journal of Combinatorics, 17 (1996)
- Acyclic matchings, with N. Alon,
C. K Fan, and J. Losonczy, Advances
in Math. 122 (1996), 234-236.
- Enumeration of full graphs: onset of the
asymptotic region. (with Cowen, L. J., Lasaga, F., Sussman, D.
E.)Stud. Appl. Math. 96 (1996) 339-350 05C30.
- A note on spanning trees with minimum average
distance. (with Entringer, R. C., Székely, L. A.)
Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl. 17 (1996) 71-78 05C05 (05C35).
- Modification
of Consecutive d Digraphs, with D.-Z. Du, D.F. Hsu, DIMACS Series in Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Volume 21 (1995) 75-85.
- Asymptotic enumeration of full graphs. (with
Lasaga, F. R., Cowen, L. J.)
J. Graph Theory 20 (1995) 59-69 05C30 (05A16).
- Crossing Families. Boris Aronov, Paul Erdös, Wayne Goddard,, Michael Klugerman, János Pach, Leonard J. Schulman: with
Combinatorica 14(2): 127-134 (1994).
- The Prison Yard Problem with Zoltán Füredi,:. Combinatorica 14(3): 287-300 (1994).
- On the maximum number of triangles in
wheel-free graphs. (with Füredi, Zoltán, Goemans, Michel X.)
Combin. Probab. Comput. 3 (1994) 63-75 05C38.
- Independence and the Havel-Hakimi residue.
(with Griggs, Jerrold R.)
Discrete Math. 127 (1994) 209-212 05C99.
- Even cycles in directed graphs. (with Chung, F. R. K., Goddard, Wayne)
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7 (1994) 474-483 05C20 (05C35 05C38).
- An upper bound for the Ramsey numbers r(K3,G).
(with Goddard, Wayne)
Discrete Math. 125 (1994) 177-182 05C55.
- A note on maximal triangle-free graphs. (with Goddard, Wayne)
J. Graph Theory 17 (1993) 629-631 05C35 (05C38) -
- Packing lines in a hypercube. (with Felzenbaum,
Alexander, Holzman, Ron)
Discrete Math. 117 (1993) 107-112 05C70.
- Minimally distant sets of lattice points. (with
Schulman, Leonard J.)
European J. Combin. 14 (1993) 231-240 05C12.
- The Minimal Number of Zero Sums, with Z.
Furedi, Combinatorics, Paul Erdos is Eighty, Vol 1, 159-172 Bolyai society
Mathematical Studies 1, Budapest 1993.
- Piercing convex Sets and the Hadwiger Debrunner
(p,q) Conjecture, with N. Alon, Advances in Mathematics,96 (1992)103-112.
- Point Selection and Weak #-Nets for
Convex Hulls, with Alon, N., Barany, I., Furedi, Z.., Combinatorics,
Probability and Computing 1, 169-200, 1992.
- Sharpening the LYM
inequality,with P. Frankl, , ME Saks
and LA.
Sz'ekely Combinatorica 12(1992), 287-293.
- Partitioning a rectangle into small perimeter
rectangles,with N. Alon Discrete
Mathematics 103 (1992), 111-119.
- A quasi Polynomial Bound for the Diameter of Graphs
of Polyhedra, with G. Kalai,. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 26(1992) 2 pp: 315-316.
- On zero-trees. (with Füredi, Zoltán)
J. Graph Theory 16 (1992) 107-120 05C05.
- Set systems with no union of cardinality 0 modulo
m,with N. Alon, , R. Lipton, R. Meshulam, M. Rabin and J. Spencer Graphs and Combinatorics 7 (1991), 97-99.
- Convergence of a transformation on a weighted
graph. (with Goddard, Wayne, Sturtevant, Dean)
Congr. Numer. 82 (1991) 179-185 05C99.
- The integrity of the cube is small. (with Beineke, Lowell W., Goddard, Wayne, Hamburger, Peter, Lipman, Marc J., Pippert, Raymond E.)
J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 9 (1991) 191-193 05C35.
- Spanning trees with many leaves. (with West, Douglas B.)
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4 (1991) 99-106 05C05 (05C35).
- On the Number of Databases and Closure
Operations. with G. Burosch, János Demetrovics, Gyula O. H. Katona, A. A. SapozhenkoTCS 78(2): 377-381 (1991).
- Sum-free subsets, with Noga Alon in : "A
Tribute to Paul Erdös" (A. Baker, B. Bollobŕs and A. Hajnal eds.),
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England 1990, 13-26.
- Sphere coverings of the hypercube with
incomparable centers
with Zoltán Füredi, and Jeff
KahnDiscrete Mathematics 83 (1990)129-134.
- Diameter And Radius In The Manhattan Metric,
with DZ Du Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry, 1990, pp. 351-356.
- Computing the bandwidth of interval graphs.
(with Vohra, Rakesh V.)
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3 (1990) 373-375 05C78 (05C85 68R10).
- An Almost Linear Time Algorithm for Generalized
Matrix Searching with Maria M. Klawe, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 3(1):
81-97 (1990).
- Representations of Families of Triples Over GF(2) with Z. Furedi, J Griggs and
R Holzman JCTA 53 305-316 (1990).
- A Generalized Model for Understanding
Evasiveness with Alok Aggarwal, Don Coppersmith, Information Processing Letters 30(4):
205-208 (1989).
- Spanning trees with many leaves in cubic
graphs. (with Griggs, Jerrold R., Shastri, Aditya)
J. Graph Theory 13 (1989) 669-695 05C05 (05C35).
- Pair labellings with given distance. (with Furedi, Z., Griggs, J. R.)
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2 (1989) 491-499 05C15.
- Minimal Cutsets for an Element of a Boolean
Lattice, with J Griggs, Order 6, 1989, 31-37.
- Scheduling Tree-Structured Tasks on Two
Processors to Minimize Schedule Length with Jianzhong Du, Joseph Y.-T. Leung: SIAM Journal of
Discrete Mathematics 1989. 176-196.
- An Addition Theorem on the Integers modulo n,
with P. Lemke, J Number Theory, (1989) 335345.
- Divisors Without Unit-Congruent Ratios. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2(3):
344-349 (1989).
- Applying the Classification Theorem for Finite
Simple Groups to Minimize Pin Count in Uniform Permutation Architectures.
with Larry Finkelstein, Frank Thomson Leighton: AWOC 1988: 247-256.
- A Minimal Cutset of the Boolean Lattice with
Almost All Members, with J. Griggs and Z. Furedi, Graphs and
Combinatorics 5 (1989) 327-332.
- Subgraphs of large connectivity and chromatic
number in graphs of large chromatic number. (with Alon, N., Thomassen, C., Saks, M., Seymour, P.)
J. Graph Theory 11 (1987) 367-371 05C40 (05C15).
- The smallest n-uniform hypergraph with
positive discrepancy. (with Alon, N., Pomerance, C., Saks, M., Seymour, P.)
Combinatorica 7 (1987) 151-160 05C65.
- On a problem of Yuzvinsky on separating the n-cube.
Discrete Math. 60 (1986) 207-213 05C35 (05C40).
- Covering a square by small perimeter
rectangles, with N. Alon Discrete and Computational Geometry 1(1986), 1-7.
- A new proof of a theorem of Graham and Pollak,
Discrete Mathematics, 49 (1984), 327-8.
- An Algorithm for Covering Polygons with
Rectangles.with Deborah S. Franzblau Information
and Control 63(3) (1984): 164-189.
- On a Dual Version of the One-Dimensional Bin
Packing Problem with S. F. Assmann, David S. Johnson, , Joseph Y.-T. Leung:. J. Algorithms 5(4): 502-525 (1984).
- Characterization of curve map graphs. (with
Assmann, S. F.)
Discrete Appl. Math. 8 (1984) 109-124 05C10 (68Q25).
- Asymptotically Optimal Layout for the
Shuffle-Exchange Graph. with, Frank Thomson Leighton, Margaret Lepley, Gary L. Miller: An JCSS 26(3): 339-361 (1983).
- The number of rounds needed to exchange
information within a graph. (with Assmann, Susan F.)
Discrete Appl. Math. 6 (1983) 117-125 05C35.
- On the asymptotic number of tournament score
sequences. (with Winston, Kenneth J.)
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 35 (1983) 208-230 05C20 (05C30).
- On the number of graphs without 4-cycles. (with
Winston, Kenneth J.)
Discrete Math. 41 (1982) 167-172 05C30.
- On cross-bandwidth. (with Kahn, J.)
Discrete Math. 33 (1981) 323-325 05C99.
- Set orderings requiring costliest alphabetic
binary trees, with M.E. Saks SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth., Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.
142-146, Jun. 1981.
- A Monotonicity Property of Partial Orders"
with J Shearer, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 65(1981), p. 81-83.
- Forests and score vectors. (with Winston,
Kenneth J.)
Combinatorica 1 (1981) 49-54 05C20 (05C30 92A25).
- Inherent Complexity Trade-Offs for Range Query
Problems. with Walter A. Burkhard, Michael L. Fredman TCS 16: 279-290 (1981) ".
- Covering Regions with Rectangles" with S.
Chaiken, J. Shearer and M. Saks, SIAM J. Alg. and Disc. Meth., 2(1981), p.
394-410. Math Reviews 82m:52007.
- Some Results on Systems of Finite Sets that
Satisfy a Certain Intersection Condition" with L.M.H. Ein, D.R.
Richman, J. Shearer and D. Sturtevant, Studies in Applied Mathematics,
65(1981), p. 269-274.
- Further Gossip Problems" with J. Shearer,
Discrete Mathematics, 30(1980), p.151-156.
- Further Results on the Anderaa Rosenberg
Conjecture with K. J. Kwiatkowski, JCT28 1980 85-95.
- Coping with Errors in Binary Search
Procedures.withRonald L. Rivest, Albert R. Meyer, , Karl Winklmann, Joel Spencer JCSS 20(3): 396-404 (1980).
- Urban Homicide: Some Recent Developments
Barnett, Arnold, Ellen Essenfeld,. with Arnold Barnett and Ellen
Essenfeld, Journal of Criminal Justice 8:1980 379-85.