An infinite sequence of numbers converges or approaches alimit z, if eventually all its terms are near z. How near? As near as you want.
The technical definition of convergence is: A sequence of numbers converges to a limit z if for any positive criterion q there is an n(q) so that every term in the sequence after the n(q) th is within distance q of z .
Thus, for example, 1, 1/2, 1/3, ... 1/n, converges to 0; no matter how small q is, if q > 0 then all terms after the [1 / q] thare less than q, and so within distance q of 0.
A sequence that converges to z is sometimes said to "approach z" or "tend to z" as well.
We consider the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3...
Suppose we choose q = 0.1
All the terms after the 10th are less than q = 0.1, so within distance q of z = 0.
A sequence s is said to converge if for any positive criterion q,all the terms in s beyond the n(q) th are within q of one another.
An interval of the real line is a set consisting of all real numbers between two endpoints, say, a and b . The interval is said to be closed if it includes the endpoints;
open if it excludes them. We denote such intervals by [a,b] and ]a,b[ respectively.
A set S is said to be complete if every sequence of members of S that converge, converges to some member of S . Closed intervals of the real line are complete; are open intervals?