MIT Lie Groups Seminar
Current year
May 10:
Michele Vergne (Jussieu)
Geometric quantization and Dirac operators
Followed by dinner.
Sept 14:
Peter Michor (University of Vienna)
Infinite dimensional Lie groups: diffeomorphism groups
Followed by dinner
September 21:
Pierre Clare (Dartmouth)
The reduced C*-algebra of a Lie group and its K-theory.
for the talk.
Followed by dinner
September 28:
David Vogan (MIT)
Nilpotent orbits and representation theory
Oct 5:
Cheng-Chiang Tsai (MIT)
Components of affine Springer fibers
Oct 12:
Pavle Pandzic (University of Zagreb)
Dirac cohomology of unitary highest weight modules
Followed by dinner
Oct 19:
Ivan Cherednik (UNC)
DAHA and unibranch plane curve singularities I
Continuation at 5:15 in GRT seminar, 2-449
Followed by dinner at 6:15
Oct 26:
Go to Sourav Chatterjee Colloquium!
Room 2-190, 4:30
Nov 2:
David Vogan (MIT)
The size of infinite dimensional representations
Mostly not for experts!
Speaker and topic TBA
Nov 9:
Shotaro Makisumi (Stanford)
A new approach to modular Koszul duality
Followed by dinner
Nov 16:
Leonid Rybnikov (National Research University, Moscow)
Bethe subalgebras and crystals
Followed by dinner.
Nov 23:
Peter Hochs (University of Adelaide)
K-type multiplicities of tempered representations via coadjoint orbits
Followed by dinner.
Nov 30:
Ali Altuğ (MIT)
Interactions between the discrete and geometric parts of the trace formula
Dec 7:
George Lusztig (MIT)
On the classification of irreducible representations of finite reductive groups
Dec 14:
End of seminar for the fall semester.
Feb 8 and 15:
David Vogan (MIT)
Software for unitary representations
Feb 22:
Pramod Achar (LSU)
Koszul duality and characters of tilting modules
Followed by dinner.
March 1:
Seth Shelley-Abrahamson (MIT)
Counting irreducible representations of rational Cherednik algebras of given support
March 8:
Wan Chen (University of Minnesota)
Multiplicity one theorem for the Ginzburg-Rallis model
Followed by dinner.
March 15:
Yuanqing Cai (Boston College)
Doubling constructions for covering groups and tensor product $L$-functions
March 22:
because of Sarnak lecture at Harvard 3:00
March 29:
April 5:
Gus Lonergan (MIT)
Frobenius twist in geometric Satake
April 12:
David Vogan (MIT)
Nilpotent orbits, K-types, and unitarity
April 19:
David Vogan (MIT)
Nilpotent orbits, K-types, and unitarity
April 26:
because of
Simons Lecture
by Yuval Peres
May 3:
because of
Simons Lecture
by Martin Hairer
May 10:
Michele Vergne (Jussieu)
Geometric quantization and Dirac operators
Followed by dinner.
May 17:
End of seminar for the spring semester.