- Sep 24:
- Ting Xue (MIT)
Nilpotent orbits in classical Lie algebras over $F^{2^n}$ and the
Springer correspondence
Oct 08:
- Ben Brubaker (MIT)
Crystal basis descriptions of p-adic Whittaker functions
- Oct 14(Tuesday):
- Hermann Nicolai (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam)
Unification, Exceptionality, and E10
- Followed by dinner
- Nov 26:
- George Lusztig (MIT)
Unipotent and nilpotent elements in small characterisic
- Dec 3:
- Ivan Cherednik (UNC)
Difference spherical functions
- Followed by dinner
Mar 04:
- Simon Riche (Paris VII)
Geometric braid group action, affine Heche algebras, and semisimple Lie algebras in positive characteristic.
- Followed by dinner