- May 7:
- Steven Jackson (UMass Boston)
- Topic TBA
- Followed by dinner
- March 26, April 2: No seminar
- February 13:
- No meeting
- David Vogan will speak in the ``Group Actions in Geometry''
seminar in 4-231 at 3:00, on ``Group representations on Dolbeault
cohomology.'' (Not suitable for grownup group representers).
- December 12: Talk at 4:15 in 2-142
- Arkady Berenstein (University of Oregon)
- From generic crystals to crystal bases
- Joint meeting with the MIT combinatorics seminar
- December 5:
- Bertram Kostant (MIT)
- Abelian ideals in the Borel, and the generalization of the Amitsur-Levitzki Theorem
- November 28:
- Vyacheslav Futorny (University of Sao Paulo)
- Galois algebras: structure, representations, and applications
- November 21:
- Jerin Gu (MIT)
- Single-petaled K-types for classical groups.
- October 24:
- George Lusztig (MIT)
- Canonical bases and construction of Chevalley groups over a commutative ring.
- October 17: Wiener Lecture by Assaf Naor
- October 10:
- John Stembridge (University of Michigan)
- Admissible W-graphs.
- Followed by dinner
- Joint meeting with the Combinatorics seminar
- October 3:
- Chuying Fang
- Ad-nilpotent ideals for complex and real reductive Lie algebras.
- Followed by dinner
- September 27: COLLOQUIUM TALK
- Paul Sally (University of Chicago)
- Supercuspidal Representations from Mautner to Kim-Yu and Stevens.