18.100A - Real Analysis (Spring 2018)

Syllabus : [.pdf]

Lectures : T R 9:30 - 11:00 am at 4-163

Instructor : Kyeongsu Choi
Office: 2-252B E-mail: choiks@mit.edu
Office hours : Tuesday 11 am-noon, Wednesday 2:30-4 pm

TA : David Corwin
Office: 2-239A E-mail: corwind@mit.edu
Office hours : Monday 11 am-noon, Tuesday 2-3 pm

TA : Campbell Hewett
Office: 2-231D E-mail: chewett@mit.edu
Office hours : Thursday 3-5 pm

Textbook: Introduction to Real Analysis, by A. Mattuck

Problem sets

[Problem set 1.pdf]
[Solutions 1.pdf]

[Problem set 2.pdf]
[Solutions 2.pdf]

[Problem set 3.pdf]
[Solutions 3.pdf]

[Problem set 4.pdf]
[Solutions 4.pdf]

[Problem set 5.pdf]
[Solutions 5.pdf]

[Problem set 6.pdf]
[Solutions 6.pdf]

[Problem set 7.pdf]
[Solutions 7.pdf]

Practice problems

[Practice problems.pdf]
[Final practice problems.pdf]
[Final practice problem solutions.pdf]

Midterm exam

[Midterm exam.pdf]
[Midterm exam solutions.pdf]
[Make up exam.pdf]

Final exam

[Final exam solutions.pdf]

Supplementary notes

[Supplementary notes Feb 8th.pdf]
[Notes for March 13rd.pdf]
[Supplementary notes Mar 15th.pdf]
[Supplementary notes Apr 3rd.pdf]
[Supplementary notes Apr 19th.pdf]
[Young's inequality.pdf]
[Supplementary notes May 8th.pdf]

The following office hours are canceled:
March: 2nd (F), 8th (Th), 14th (W), 21th (W), 23th (F).
The office hours March 7th (W) changed from 2:30-4 pm to 3:30-5 pm.
The class held on Tuesday March 13rd will be canceled due to winter storm.
Problem set 7 is due May 10th, not May 17th.