Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday 1:00-2:30 Room 2-102 |
Office hours: TR 4-5pm, Room 2-389 |
Course advertisement: PostScript
Course description from the MIT Catalog:
Applications of algebra to combinatorics and conversely. Topics include
enumeration methods, partially ordered sets and lattices, matching theory,
partitions and tableaux, algebraic graph theory, and combinatorics of
Units: 3-0-9
Level: advanced undergraduate
Past Lectures (with suggested reading):
Lecture 1 (02/05/02): Catalan numbers
[EC2] pp. 219-229, 256-265.
This can be found on the web at
"Exercises on Catalan and related numbers"
See also "Catalan addendum"
Lecture 2 (02/07/02): Pattern avoidance in permutations,
Young tableux, Schensted correspondence, longest increasing
[TAC] Section 8 "A glimpse of Young tableaux".
C. Schensted "Longest increasing and decreasing subsequences"
Canadian Journal of Mathemetics 13 (1961), 179-191.
(A copy is available upon request.)
Lecture 3 (02/12/02): q-Binomial coefficients
[TAC] Section 6 "Young diagrams and q-binomial coefficients".
[CC] Section 24 "Gaussian numbers and q-analogues"
[EC1] Section 1.3 "Permutation statistics"
Lecture 4 (02/14/02): Labelled trees, Prufer's codes, increasing trees
[CC] Section 2 "Trees"
[EC1] Section 1.3 "Permutation statistics"
Lecture 5 (02/21/02): Symmetric group, statistics on permutations
[EC1] Section 1.3 "Permutation statistics"
Lecture 6 (02/26/02): Posets, lattices, distributive lattices, Young's lattice
[EC1] Sections 3.1 -- 3.4
Lecture 7 (02/28/02):
Up and Down operators, unimodality of Gaussian coefficients.
[TAC] Section 6 "Young diagrams and q-binomial coefficients"
and Section 8 "A glimpse of Young tableux".
Lecture 8 (03/05/02): Sperner's and Dilworth's theorems
[CC] Section 6 "Dilworth's theorem and extremal set theory"
[TAC] Section 4 "The Sperner property"
Lecture 9 (03/07/02): De Bruijn sequences
[CC] Section 8 "De Bruijn sequences"
Lecture 10 (03/12/02):
Partitions: Euler's pentagonal theorem, Jacobi triple product
[CC] Section 15 "Partitions"
Lecture 11 (03/14/02):
Lindstrom lemma (Gessel-Viennot method). Exponential formula
- [EC2] Section 5.1 "Exponential formula"
Lecture 12 (03/19/02): Review of Problem Sets 1 and 2
Lecture 13 (03/21/02): Plane partitions, rombus tilings of hexagon,
pseudoline arrangements
- [EC2] Section 7.21 "Plane partitions with bounded part size"
Lecture 14 (04/02/02): Spanning trees, greedy algorithm, Matrix-Tree theorem
- [CC] Section 2 "Trees"
- [CC] Section 34 "Electrical networks and squared matrices"
Lecture 15 (04/04/02): Matrix-Tree theorem (cont'd)
- [CC] Section 34 "Electrical networks and squared matrices"
Lecture 16 (04/09/02): Review of Problem Set 3.
Lecture 17 (04/11/02): Weighted lattice paths and continued fractions
- I.P.Goulden, D.M.Jackson: Combinatorial Enumeration,
John Wiley & Sons, 1983
Section 5 "Combinatorics of Paths"
Lecture 18 (04/18/02): Electrical networks
- [TAC] Section 11.3 "Electrical networks"
- [CC] Section 34 "Electrical networks and squared squares"
Lecture 19 (04/23/02): Chromatic polynomial, acyclic orientations,
Mobius function
- [CC] Section 25 "Lattices and Mobius inversion"
Lecture 20 (04/25/02): Permutohedra, Newton polytopes, zonotopes
Lecture 21 (04/30/02): Birkhoff polytope and Hall's marriage theorem.
- [CC] Section 5 "Systems of distinct representatives
Lecture 22 (05/02/02): Domino tilings of rectangles
Lecture 23 (05/07/02): TBA
Lecture 24 (05/09/02): Guest lecture by James Propp
Lecture 25 (05/14/02): TBA
Recommended Texts:
(The students are not required to have these books.)
Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics,
Course notes by R. P. Stanley for Mathematics 192
(Algebraic Combinatorics), Harvard University, Fall 2000.
A course in Combinatorics by J. H. van Lint and R. M. Wilson,
Cambridge University Press, 1992 (reprinted 1994, 1996).
Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol 1 by R. P. Stanley,
Wadsworth and Brooks/Cole,
Pacific Grove, CA, 1986; second printing, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol 2 by R. P. Stanley,
Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Information on [EC1] and
Problem Sets
Tentative List of Topics:
- Catalan Numbers, Triangulations, Catalan Paths, Noncrossing Partitions
- Walks in Graphs, Random Walks on the n-Cube, Spectra of Graphs
- Symmetric Group, Statistics on Permutations,
Inversions and Major Index
- Partially Ordered Sets and Lattices, Sperner's Theorem
- q-Binomial Coefficients, Gaussian coefficients, and Young Diagrams
- Young's Lattice, Tableaux, and Schensted's Correspondence
- Trees, Parking Functions, and Prufer Codes
- Matrix-Tree Theorem, Electrical Networks
- Enumeration under Group Action, Burnside's Lemma, Polya Theory
- Transportation and Birkhoff Polytopes, Cyclic Polytopes, Permutohedra
- Matching Enumeration, Pfaffians, Ising Model, Domino Tilings
Grading Bonuses:
There will be several bonus problems.
You can get a grading bonus if you invent a new interesting integer sequence
and submit it to the
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. You can get up to 5% of
the final grade for each new entry in the Encyclopedia.
Last updated: February 8, 2002 |