- W 02/07/2018. Introduction.
First presentations:
- F 02/09/2018. Alex Postnikov: How to count by cyclic shifts?
- M 02/12/2018. Jackie Bredenberg: Stable marriage theorem.
- W 02/14/2018. Annika Kim: Gambler's ruin.
- F 02/16/2018. Jingyu Li: Card shuffling.
M 02/19/2018. Presidents day - no class
- T 02/20/2018 (MONDAY SCHEDULE). Rachel Wu: Cayley's formula for trees.
- W 02/21/2018. Yilin Wang: Applications of generating functions.
- F 02/23/2018. Lee Bernick: Tiling rectangles + Electrical networks.
- M 02/26/2018. Josh Brunner: Expected card draw in Dominion.
- W 02/28/2018. Nicole Chesnokov: Friendship Theorem.
- F 03/02/2018. Sicong Shen: Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.
- M 03/05/2018. Arjun Mithal: Discrete Stochastic Processes.
- W 03/07/2018. Nestor Chachamis: Completing Latin Squares.
- F 03/09/2018. Timothy Ngotiaoco: Impartial Games (Sprague-Grundy).
- M 03/12/2018. Camilo Espinosa: Generating functions.
- W 03/14/2018. Julie Zhang: PHP, Pi, and Pie.
- F 03/16/2018. Workshop on how to make a clear and interesting presentation by Susan Ruff.
- M 03/19/2018. Jenny Jin: Art gallery problem.
- W 03/21/2018. Timothee Schoen: Fermat's First Theorem.
Second presentations:
- F 03/23/2018.
Rachel Wu: Unavoidable patterns in words.
M-F 03/26/2018 - 03/30/2018. (-: Spring Vacation :-)
- M 04/02/2018. Jackie Bredenberg:
Probabilistic proof of the formula for Young tableaux.
- W 04/04/2018. Josh Brunner: A position in infinite chess with game value omega^4.
Lee Bernick: Erdos-Renyi random graphs.
- F 04/06/2018.
Annika Kim: Linear-time option pricing algorithms by combinatorics.
Timothy Ngotiaoco: Evaluating the Nim-Value of Hackenbush.
- M 04/09/2018. Arjun Mithal: Roman domination in graphs.
Jingyu Li: Sperner property.
- W 04/11/2018. Nestor Chachamis: A simple proof of Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem.
- F 04/13/2018. *****
M 04/16/2018. Patriots day - no class.
- W 04/18/2018.
Julie Zhang: Chromatic polynomials.
Timothee Schoen: The 100 prisoners problem.
- F 04/20/2018.
Nicole Chesnokov: Friendship paradox.
Camilo Espinosa: Applications of the probabilistic method.
- M 04/23/2018.
Sicong Shen: Sperner's lemma and rental harmony.
Jenny Jin: Bertrand's ballot problem.
Third presentations (presentations of final papers):
- W 04/25/2018. Lee Bernick: Generalized random graph models.
- F 04/27/2018. Camilo Espinosa: Symmetric Lovasz local lemma.
- M 04/30/2018. Nestor Chachamis: Bounds on Ramsey numbers.
Rachel Wu: Unavoidable patterns in words, part 2.
- W 05/02/2018. Jackie Bredenberg: Counting via bijections with Young tableaux.
- F 05/04/2018. Annika Kim:
Using combinatorics to price options in linear time.
- M 05/07/2018. Arjun Mithal:
Analyzing optimal play in the Chow-Robbins formulation.
- W 05/09/2018. Timothy Ngotiaoco: The spectral characterization of simply-laced Dynkin diagrams.
Josh Brunner: The mate in n problem in infinite chess for finite positions is decideable.
- F 05/11/2018. Jenny Jin: Analysis and applications of Burnside's lemma.
Jingyu Li: Exploitability and GTO strategies in poker.
- M 05/14/2018. Nicole Chesnokov: Extensions of the
art gallery problem: Chromatic coloring and mobile guards.
Sicong Shen: The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics.
- W 05/16/2018. Timothee Schoen: General case of the 100 prisoners problem.
Julie Zhang: Chromatic polynomials for hypergraphs.