
Student seminar in topology

Fall 2005

Vigleik Angeltveit
Homotopy Associative Multiplications and Homotopy Symmetric Bimodules


In algebraic topology, we usually consider maps between spaces as "equal" if they are homotopic. So what happens if we consider a multiplication on a space which is not strictly associative, but only associative up to homotopy? A typical example is the multiplication on a loop space X=\Omega Y given by composition of loops. In this talk, I will introduce some higher coherence conditions such a multiplication has to satisfy to be considered "good", namely maps K_n x X^n --> X where K_n is the n'th Stasheff associahedron, a certain polyhedron homeomorphic to a disk. If such maps exist, we can (under some technical assumptions) replace X by a homotopy equivalent space X' with X'=\Omega Y for some Y. Next I will say what it means for a space M to be a bimodule over X. In addition to maps X x M --> M and M x X --> M we also need maps involving the K_n's. Finally, I will give one interpretation of what it means for M to be symmetric (=left and right action agree) up to homotopy. This requires another family of polyhedra called cyclohedra.