
Student seminar in topology

Fall 2005

Danny Vera
Further into the Darkside: Parameterized Orthogonal Spectra


Monsters called "spectra" come in many varieties and sub-species. In this talk we will discuss the species known as parameterized orthogonal $G$-spectra over a fixed base $B$. Intuitively an orthogonal spectrum over $B$ is a collection of $B$-parameterized spaces $X(\lambda)$ for each $G$-representation $\lambda$ and structure maps $\sigma : X(\lambda) \smash_{B} S^{\lambda '} \to X(\lambda \oplus \lambda ')$. We will first look at two different categories of parameterized $G$-spaces for a compact Lie group $G$ and discuss what it means for a category to be topologically bicomplete. Together these two categories of parameterized $G$-spaces form a structure called a $G$-category and have several layers of enrichment. We will then define parameterized orthogonal $G$-spectra and if time permits discuss the change of base functors that allow us to go between the parameterized and non-parameterized worlds.