Babytop Seminar
Fall 2023
In Fall 2023, Babytop was about topological automorphic forms.-
The goal of this seminar is to understand TAF and related constructions. This talk will give an overview of the topic. Below is a rough schedule of the rest of the semester.
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Keita Allen
In my talk, I’ll be trying to motivate some of the big ideas in stable and chromatic homotopy theory and introduce p-divisible groups, a class of objects with connections to the theory of algebraic groups and formal groups. The plan is to keep the talk relatively beginner-friendly, so all are welcome!
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Leonard Tokic
In this talk we will discuss Lurie's sheaf of E_infty rings on a site of p-divisible groups (in a formulation due to Jack Davies), focusing on applications. To this end I hope to cover how to use it to construct p-complete (and integral) KU, KO, and Lubin-Tate E_n’s.
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Tristan Yang
We will explain the formulation of TMF as a product of Lurie's Theorem from the previous talk, and discuss various properties. To spotlight the computability of things, we will compute TMF[1/6].
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Natalie Stewart
Following work of Mark Behrens, we define a spectrum Q(ℓ) in terms of the structure of isogenies of elliptic curves via the Goerss-Hopkins sheaf. For (p,ℓ) = (3,2), we construct the K(2)-local sphere as an extension of Q(ℓ) and its K(2)-local Spanier-Whitehead dual, reinterpreting a resolution due to Goerss, Henn, Mahowald, and Rezk.
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Rushil Mallarapu
The theory of abelian varieties is a natural source for many 𝑝-divisible groups, giving an algebro-geometric inroad to TAF. The goal of this talk is to briskly introduce the main concepts in this theory and then discuss the Serre-Tate theorem, which states that the deformation theory of abelian varieties are controlled by the deformation theory of their associated 𝑝-divisible group. We will first define abelian varieties and isogenies, discuss the construction of the dual of an abelian variety, introduce some aspects of the theory of 𝑝-divisible groups, and end with an overview of the proof of the Serre-Tate theorem.
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Dhilan Lahoti
Give a sketch of the construction of TAF, discuss PEL structures.
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David Lee
on Monday 14:00 in 2-449 instead of usual time!
Given a quadratic imaginary field F, I will describe the moduli stack of polarized O_F-linear abelian surfaces with certain PEL structure in terms of the moduli stack of elliptic curves, which will give us a description of TAF in terms of TMF in this case.
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I will explain how there is extra functoriality of the TAF construction, which in particular gives rise to the action of Hecke operators. I will then explain how to construct Q_GU, an analog of Q_l, and how it can be described as the limit of a semisimplicial E_infty ring constructed from the Bruhat-Tits building of GU. I may also describe what happens K(n)-locally and make things explicit at height 1.
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In room 4-265 at 14:45!
In this talk, I will describe some interesting families of p-divisible groups which arise from families of curves, and how to check that they give rise to E_infty-ring spectra. Some of these families are related to topological automorphic forms, but most are not.
Along the way, we'll touch upon Grothendieck-Messing deformation theory, how to compute infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure, and the relationship between Dieudonne modules and de Rham cohomology.
This seminar was organized by Ishan Levy and Andy Senger.