Topology Seminar
Upcoming Talks
The seminar will meet at 4:30 on Monday in 2-131 unless otherwise noted.
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Tasos Moulinos (Institute for Advanced Study)
$\begingroup $I will begin by describing past work with Robalo and Toen on the filtered circle. This is an abelian group stack whose category of representations corresponds to filtered complexes with a compatible S^1 action. By mapping this object into schemes, one recovers the HKR filtration on Hochschild homology. I will then describe some first steps toward lifting this construction to the setting of spectral algebraic geometry over the sphere spectrum, using the theory of synthetic spectra and the even filtration of Hahn-Raksit-Wilson.
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Toni Annala (Institute for Advanced Study)
$\begingroup $In topology, Atiyah duality provides a geometric model for the dual of the suspension spectrum of a smooth manifold. In this talk, we export this into algebraic geometry by proving an analogous claim in the non-$A^1$-invariant stable motivic homotopy theory of Annala-Hoyois-Iwasa. Besides recovering many Poincare duality type results, it has other surprising consequences. I will explain how to use the so-called $A^1$-colocalization functor to prove the independence of logarithmic cohomology theories from the choice of good compactification (without assuming resolution of singularities).
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Ishan Levy (MIT)
Email Ishan Levy or Haynes Miller for inquiries about the seminar.
The mailing list for this seminar is the MIT topology google group.
Email Mike Hopkins if you want to join the list.