Hi MAT223 Instructors! We have a pre-meeting scheduled for XXX. Please find attached several items to review before the meeting. 0) The Freeman report on active learning in STEM classrooms: https://www.pnas.org/content/111/23/8410 1) The syllabus. Please especially make sure the information about your section is correct (there have been some last minute scheduling changes, so I know some names are wrong!) 2) The MAT223 design document. This explains the history and design decisions for why MAT223 is the way it is. If you taught MAT223 last year, pay special attention to the "Update 20192020" section. 3) The textbook/workbook for the course can be downloaded here: https://github.com/siefkenj/IBLLinearAlgebra/raw/master/dist/linearalgebra-book.pdf The book is available in the bookstore or as PDF to the students. It consist of the in-class exercises (core exercises) and space for students to write solutions to them. 4) The instructor guide: https://github.com/siefkenj/IBLLinearAlgebra/raw/master/dist/linearalgebra-instructor.pdf The instructor guide provides learning objectives and notes for every in-class question. This course is heavily based around the in-class exercises, which touch all important concepts for the course. The in-class exercises are built for an active-learning style of teaching where the instructor gives students time to work on a problem, and then follows up with an explanation and mini-lecture about the main concept from that problem -- we'll talk more at the meeting on exactly what class looks like. Please let me know about any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to seeing you all in the coming week! Jason