Online Segal Archive

Title: DRWRs28-33

Descriptive symbol: UDT - Unspecified Document Type

Category of document: Unspecified Documents

Sub-Category of document: Unspecified

Drawer – 28 a, ax, t, tx. Box 40 (cont.)
File 1 (red). “Incomplete Work: Math”(=sbf 1) 1986 – 1989, ab. 50 au and t pp.; contains “Apparent missing energy as a manifestation of indecomposable combinations of stable relativistic particles, and the nature of higher electrons” and “Nonlinear functions of interacting QF” 5/31/89 with Z. Zhou, 21pp. “Theoretical Foundations… PNAS 1975/76” (=sbf 2) # 99 related. “6 SU visit leftovers” (=sbf 3) 1987 ab. 50 au, t, tx pp. with a few OPP. Box 41. “E.G.Lee (1975) Conformal Geometry & Wave Eqs.” (=sbf 4) Rel. to P. Graham and Ed (Effros?), 1976 – 78, ab. 30pp. A letter from P. Moylan to IES, 1987.
“EEEF” articles by E. Effros (some are about C*-algebras) and other OPP from box 41 moved to box 31. 
File 2 (blue). “Chronology of consideration of the MS ‘Apparent SL sources, comparative cosmology, and the extragalactic distance scale,’ by IES, by Phys.Rev. D” 1988 – 1989 ab. 20 pp. *#198-related* (including rev. reports and replies to them), ab. 100pp. “Proposed MSRI Conf on Q.F.” 1988, ab. 90 pp. “Letters from/to SMP to/from others” only contains “Triviality pursuit” by D.J.E.Callaway, Phys.Rev. 242-320 (seems to be one of the sources for # 198). “Moylan” ab. 20pp. 
File 3 (green) “ ’92-93 NSF” up to 1996, a few proposals and a “NSF ’93 reviews” folder.
File 4 (green) “Malliavin” contains other 1983-1985 corr. besides P. M.-related; ab. 60 pp. The following from box 41 is placed into that file. *Three 1989 letters* (Fitch, Seitz). “ApJl SLS” (superluminal sources) 1988, seems to be # 187 – related corr, drafts, reports/replies; 70 pp. Box 42. “Interim Notes on my association with M. Stone” t, 2pp. *Proposal to the NSF* by W. Strauss, 9/7/84. “R.N.Thomas” 3 documents, 1981, ab. 10pp. 
File 5 “v.Weizsacker” 1976 notes, 4pp., and an article by v.W.
File 6 “M. Vergne” starting 1974, ab. 120 pages (documents and letters). 
File 7 “NSF 1983 & Todorov” starting 1983, ab. 160 pages (doc. and letters).
File 8 “B. Speh” starting 1976, ab. 120 pages, contains two “Neutrino” drafts by B. Speh.
File 9 “Sandage” starting 1972, ab. 100pp.
File 10 “Raczka” starting 1974, ab. 20 pp.
File 11 “O’Raifeartaigh” starting 1969, ab. 40 pp.
File 12 “Nicoll/Comps” starting 1975, ab. 120 pages of docs and letters. 
File 13 “Rhonda Hughes” ab. 70 pp., contains “Jorgensen” ab. 30pp.

Drawer – 29 a, ax, t, tx. Box 42 (cont.)
File 1 (red). “E. Lieb” 3 1975 letters. “Lichnerowicz” ab. 25 pp. “Gelfand” 1976 – 1977 a few letters and arrangements. Box 43. “Spannors in 2 dims & muons” 1985, 40 au, aux pp. “Bent work on 2-dim pilot model” 1986, 35 pp. “Steve’s work - spannors” starting 1981, 80 pp. “Incomplete work; Phys.” (=sbf 1) 1988, 1989, includes “Chronometric Theory: The physics of extreme distances” 9/10/89, 34pp., “Chrono decay theory” pc, 9/17/89, 5pp., and “Chronometric particle theory” of 12/80; 100 t pp. A 1987 letter to A. Mattuck about Haagerup. A 5/8/86 letter to Aguirre-Daban on a manuscript with criticism of Segal’s theory.
File 2 (yellow). “17 NAS Corr.” envelope 1987, 15pp. “Misc short items” 1987 with “Sci work of Segal” – to be sent to Lichn.(?), 60 pp., 10 letters. “(Frank) Press letter/rational journal” ab. 20 1987 letters (Big Bang involved in many). “10 Analysis + Applications Institute” 1987 proposals, letters; 40pp. “Parity work – old ???” ab. 100 1980 pages, seems to be # 180 – related (published in 1987), with Lee-Yang paper inside, his letter to Yang, “Conservation of parity in the chronometric theory,” with his 1974 au notebook.
File 3 (blue). “Discards that may be useful” 1980 (chronometry), 40 au/t pages. “Schwinger-Bjorken” 1985 (letters – one to each) with his “Physics in the maximal isotropic space-time,” 40pp. on particles. “Discards – early drafts” 30pp. (might have more than Section 19 of IV). “C*-quantization” 1981 - 1986; contains “Non-Unitary quantization” folder, and “C*-Fermi quantization of induced bundles;” ab. 100 au/t pp. Box 44. *1971 Corr. with A. Klein* 3 letters and his manuscript. 
File 4 (red). “Particles: Old materials from notebooks” starting 1966, marked “To Sort 9/86,” with a few letters, ab. 150 pp. (au, mostly). “Spannor Math” 1985 Ntbk. “7/85 – Chronometric Physics” ntbk (blank pp. discarded). *2 July 1997 letter to Cozzarelli.*
Box 44 mostly contained OPPs and PhD Ths – see OpenGranQuest07 file for more details). 
Box 45 contains SP’s work/corr. Box 46. 
File 5 (yellow). “Energy Operator 1/97” contains the 12/31/96 “The energy operator in fundamental physics” and a 1/17/97 letter to Weinberg, the Ph.Rev.D Editor. “Particles + GPS, ‘97” around 10/97 with “Is everything in the universe made out of spanners?” “Franklin Fox” 7pp. by FF: “Stop the expansion of the universe and conserve energy.” Folder “W. Strauss” ab. 30 pages of letters and short research notes (all articles by Strauss moved to box 31). “Tsirelson” with a 1987 letter from Khalfin, 10pp. 
File 6 “Leray” starting 1978 ab. 100 letters and documents. 
File 7 “Hormander” starting 1970, ab. 60 pp. with a few letters. 
File 8 “Faddeev” starting 1968 ab. 70 pp. (letters, mostly). 
File 9 “Scientific Biog.” (his own, 1978, 1982). 
File 10 “Particles in UC” contains 3/21/96 “Chronometric particle theory I. An alternative to the Higgs mechanism” with Vogan and Zhou, unpublished, 59 pp; referee reports, IES replies; 1/3 1995 “Particle theory in the universal cosmos I.Aspects of Mach’s principle and electroweak theory” (with Vogan and Zhou), unpublished, 51pp. 
File 11 *8/20/98* 226-related corr. and 8/21 1998 draft; 225-draft. 
File 12 “Higgs, EWT  PhRev” article 3/24 1994 “An alternative to the Higgs mechanism: Mach’s principle and Conformal Invariance” and 1994 corr.
File 13 “Scripta Paper” 3/28 1997 with JFN “The empirical local flux-redshift relation” and corr.; unpublished. Contains “LBQSA+A” contains “The large bright quasar survey and comparative cosmology” correspondence (rejection). 
File 14 “Efron-PetrosianAbJ” 1993-1994 regarding “Statistical due process starts with the data; a reply”, ab. 50 pages. 
File 15 “N.A.S.” 1990-1997 ab. 150 pages, contains “Shafarevich case.”
Drawer – 30 a, ax, t, tx. Box 46 (cont.)
File 1 (red). *letters to IES* regarding his April 11 1990 letter to the NYT. “A. Weinless” 7pp. and “Intro to the Science of Creative Intelligence: Consciousness as the Basis of all Knowledge/Syllabus” Maharishi Intern.U. “Shale” a few 1969 letters and “On geometric ideas at the foundation of Quantum Theory” by Shale, 40pp. Box 47. “1964 corr. etc” ab. 120 pages, ab. 50 letters. “Corr. 1963” 50 letters. *1944 - 1945* 20 letters and docs. *Chapter I.* of his book 20 pp. in his folder. *Is there a non-trivial universal physics* not on the list, Proc. Of the IVth int.conf. on the Unity of Science, NY, 1975, pp.241-245. “1965, Corr.” 40 letters. 
File 2 (blue). “Sections of Part A, version - 1971” “Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields” Lectures by IES at MIT, spring 1971, unpublished (in that form) ab. 150 pp. “AMS letter re Reviews,” “AMS Symposium” 1966 – 1967, 50 pages of letters and docs. “Prof. Corr. I” 1963 – 1966 40 letters and docs. “Turner (1979)” 30 au pp. “Older Astrostatistics before 1978” 40 t and au pp.
File 3 (red). *From box 47* ab. 60 pages of letters and docs (incl. Amnesty Intern., Nicoll’s work), 1976 - 1980. “AMS Translations Comm” 1965 20pp. “Plancherel” 1950(?), 50 au pp. “Weak functional topology” old, 15 pp. “Material on Extension of Reps.” 20 au pp., old. “Recent Math Agenda” 20 pp., old. “Less Messy Stuff on QM” 1952 letter inside, 100 au pp. “LEGAL – OLDER but possibly of current use” 1979 50 pp., includes “Jews in SU”. “Nature article” 1957, 7pp. *QFT early work* ab. 15 pages not from any of his folders. 
File 4 (yellow). “Misc” 1961, 60 t and au pp., older 50 au pp. put into it by AL. “Ideas on Charge Conj. and the Electron-Positron field” (late 1960, early 1970?) 10pp. “Bosons” 1955 10 pp. *A few more folders* 1955, ????, 1950, with “Plancherel Theorem for x’=ax+b group,” 120 pp. 
File 5 (blue). “Interaction” with “Solutions of Ordinary non-linear DE with bounded derivative near a singularity” mid 50s ?, 150 pp. *More thin folders* and separate pages, old, 100pp. (includes “Convergent approach to elementary particles interaction”). *Non-commutative integration* 50 au pages in “NCi ???” folder. 
File 6 “Gelfand Visit” 1989 – 1990 letters and documents, 100pp.
File 7 “Zhou” ab. 30pp.
File 8 “Milnor/Tits” 1974, 1975 ab. 30 pp.
File 9 “Publishable Lectures” 1984 – 1985 60pp. 
File 10 “Renormalization, S-matrix” ab. 100 pages, a 1961 article by Bargmann inside, and IES article with Zhou “Nonlinear functions of interacting QF”.
File 11 “A. Klein” starting 1973 with “From the Euclidean group to the Poincare group via Osterwalder-Schrader Positivity” by Klein and Landau 33pp., 1982, (allows the analytic continuation of a theory in imaginary time to a QTh in real time), and 40 pp. more of letters and docs. 
File 12 “M. Kon” ab. 40pp. plus some of Kon’s publications. 
File 13 “B.Kostant” ab. 20 pages (more might be elsewhere). 
File 14 “Kunze” starting 1957 ab. 15 pages (with a few letters). 
Drawer – 31 a, ax, t, tx. Box 47 (cont.)
File 1 (red). *A few thin folders* and loose pages, 50s, 1971, 1976, 100 au pp. “Old corr etc to ???” 1972 – 1976 ab. 70 letters and docs. “1962 lectures on Analysis in Function Space” ab. 90 t pp. “Notes on currents in advanced mathematical work in the US” 3/27 1961, 9tx pp. Box 48.
File 2 (blue). *1988 mail to IES from MIT accounting office* 50pp. “2/88 – NSF Comm.” 6 letters, 15pp. *Int.Astr.Union 20th Assembly* Aug 1988, Baltimore, in an envelope. *MIT 1988 docs.* “MNRAS paper,” 80 pp. of letters and documents (#184); one more 184-folder put inside (60pp.).
File 3 (red). “File” 1988 – 1989 ab. 120 letters and documents, ab. 170pp. One more 184-related folder, 50pp. “O. Veblen” by Deane Montgomery, 1969; *QFT Notes* by L. Gross, 1969; *Thinking about the Brain* by F.H.C.Crick, 1979. *3/17/80* notes (ab. 10 au pp.), 1978 and ???? au pages, 30. 
File 4 (yellow). *A few thin folders* and loose pages (1951, 1952, 1978, 1987); includes *Algebras of Observables* topic, “Princeton Alumni Weekly” (1989, delivered to his house), a few letters; 40 pp. His 1945 report, 53pp. “Stability and Quantization 9/80 -” with a few OPP, letters, SP’s work; 70pp. “Distribution Propagators – Rough Work” Rhonda Hughes related, 1979, with a few letters, 50pp. 
File 5 (blue). “To A. J. ms & corr.” 1986 – 1987, 184-related; 110 pp. Box 49. “Univ. Corr. 1958 - 1959” has some 1957, 50pp. “Astronomy Comps,” 20 pp., 70s ? “Business & Misc. Corr. 1958 – 1959,” some 1957; 50pp. “Misc. Math. Notes” 1955, 10pp. “NSF material” 1958-1959, 20pp. 
File 6 (green) *Letters 1978 – 1998*contains ab. 50 docs (letters, mostly) including exchange with Soneira; a few earlier docs, ab. 100 pp. 
File 7 (green) *Docs & Letters* 70 pages; 80s, 90s; contains “Is There a Non-trivial Universal Physics” draft. 
File 8 (green) *IES Docs & Letters* 150 pages, contains “Apparent Voids and Filaments in the distribution of galaxies as an implication of a nonlinear redshift-distance law” with JFN, has 5/25/84 “Astrophysical Letters” stamp, 14 pp, Referee’s Report attached. 
Drawer – 32 a, ax, t, tx. Box 49 (cont.)
File 1 (red). “K. Jorgensen” 10 letters. “Corr. 1967 -” has some 1966, 40pp. “Early & Misc. Curves” 1970 -, has a letter to Phil; 30 pp. “MIT – 69 - ???” a few letters, Larsen’s book (declined). “Campus Politics” 1969. “Departmental - 1963” and 1964, 20pp. “Math. Colloq. 1963 - 1964” 15 pp. “1957 -” with some 1956, 50 letters. “Britannica, 1959 -” 60 pages of letters. 
File 2 (blue). “Corr., Prof., 1959 - ” letters, some 1958, 100 pp. *A few thin folders* 1957 – 1960; 30 pp. “1964 – 1965 Leave Arrs.” 10 pp. “Corr. w. Annals 5/70” 71-related, Nelson, Glimm, Jaffe involved, 30 pages. “Corr., Memos, etc. 1955 - 1957” ab. 50 letters. *Six thin folders* 1959-1966 80 pages (letters, mostly). “Department, Recent” 1955 – 1957,25 pp. 
File 3 (yellow). “1954” 50 letters. “1953” 60 letters. “1955 - ” 70 letters and docs. “1956” 40. “UCLA, 1959” 15. Box 50. “Blattner” 6pp. (others docs might be elsewhere). “B. Abrahamson” 20.
File 4 (red). “IV & Examples of C*/Particle Quantization” 1986, 1990, 50pp. *His unpublished article* “Physics in the maximal isotropic space-time” 12/85, t, 74pp. *A few letters and docs* 1966, 1987, Goodman, Heise, Reyes, 40pp. Box 51. “Report on visit to SU” (Sept. – Nov., 1964, for restricted distribution) 16 t pp. “1964 E1. Hilbert Space Notes” 60pp. “Parity Overflow 71” contains “Parity and the chronometric principle” (pre-draft, 32pp.), students’ records, 1979 and other years, 100 pp. 
File 5 “S. Berman” 50 pp. 
File 6 “Branson” 1978 -, 50 pp. 
File 7 “E. Lee” 60pp. 
File 8 “H. P. Jacobsen” 60pp. 
File 9 “R. W. Goodman” 20pp. 
File 10 “Feldman” 15pp. 
File 11 *Segal* 1966 – 1997, 90 pages (letters, proposals, other docs).
File 12 “L. Gross” 50. 
File 13 “Kallman” 10. 
File 14 “Astronomy Corr” (from box 52) 1982 – 1992, 80 pages (Sandage, other letters, docs). 
Drawer – 33 a, ax, t, tx. Box 51 (cont.)
File 1 (blue). “Hille Paper ‘86” or 1980, 15 pages; 20 more pages put into it from box 51, contain “Estimation of Peculiar Motion/Motion of Sun/…” *Five thin folders* “Constructive approach to nonlinear QFT,” “Spinors, Cosmology, EP – 7/76,” “Functional integration and interacting QF,” “Analytic Algebras” (old, au, 40 pp.), “Recent work on C* alg”(old), 1974, 1976; 100pp. “Early versions of phen. analysis” (# 94, 1975, with JFN) t 60. *Loose work, docs* 1955, au, mostly, 40pp. *Loose work, au,* 1956, contains “The mathematical ??? of coupling constant,” many other titles, 60. 
File 2 (red). “A variant of special relativity & extragalactic astronomy” (1974, final?) draft of # 91, tx, 128pp. Condensation of book material for A. & A.” t 150. *Loose docs* ## 137, 138 related. “groups of transformations” 1950, 30. *Four thin folders* astrostatistics, UROP, other; 60pp. 
File 3 (yellow). *Thick untitled folder* (1959?) has “Notes for course on Fourier transforms” and “Foundations of Lie Groups” (with a 1946 letter from P. Scmidt) inside, 200pp. “Some general principles of symmetry breaking and the nature of the weak interactions” 10/4/78, 13 tx pp.; other 1978 notes, 25 au pp. *Astronomy folder* 1979, 40. “Manifold” (= “The manifold of solutions…”) 1963 corr., 10 pp. *Not in a folder* 1972-1975 docs, 30. 
File 4 (blue). *Kaysen Case* Inst. Of Adv. Studies, 1973, 30 pp. “Corr., CA. 1969” has some 1968, up to 1971, 80 letters. “Corr. 1961 - 1962” 70 letters.
File 5 (red). “Grouped Corr. 1964 ” – 1965, 110 pp. *Misc. Corr.*1973 – 1974, 50. “Corr. 1971 - 1972” 30. “Misc. Corr. co. 1971 - 1972” 25. “Material for Albert ???” 1969, Nice Congress, 15 pp. and a brochure. “Dept. - 69” has 1966, 1968 too, 30. Box 52. 
File 6 “Zhou” 1988 – 1993, 60. 
File 7 “Levichev” 1992 – 1996, 80. The content of the following three files is from one (untitled) folder.
File 8 *1989 – 1996, I* has some 1985 - , letters, docs, 100pp. 
File 9 *1989 – 1996, II* has some 1988, letters, docs, 90pp. 
File 10 *1989 – 1996, III* 110 pp.