Online Segal Archive

Title: DRWRs1-14

Descriptive symbol: UDT - Unspecified Document Type

Category of document: Unspecified Documents

Sub-Category of document: Unspecified

Drawer 1
From box 4:
File 1 (red) Misc Segal’s Pbns; 96a:“Is There a Non-trivial Universal Physics?” / pp.241-245 of the Proceedings of the 4th Intl Conf on the Unity of the Sciences, Nov 27-30, 1975, New York (NOT ON THE LIST); 75s (s – for shortened) in the OAR Research Review – version of #75 ? His CV (of about 1978), his list of pbns.
From box 1
File 2 (PNAS + COZZ)
Pub.226 drafts (Phenomenological Analysis of…)
Exchange with Dr. Cozarelli, Chairman, Ed B PNAS 1995. A (“positive”) letter from James Serrin.
File 3 “letters” (original letters 1995, 1992,1990: Prof. R.H.Dalitz, Prof. G.P.Efstathiou, cc W.Saunders, to and from Dr. H. Wahl, CERN – on spin 1 component of the neutral kaon). It has a paper by IES “Conformal Covariance and Fundamental Particles” (not on the List?)
1990, presumably, PANIC XII or PANIC XV – one more is “Fundamental Fields and the Physics of Extreme Distances”; both two pages, only, both are NOT ON THE LIST. To: Dr.Maarten Schmidt, Caltech (March 21, 1993). “A Problem in Conformal Analysis of the Wave Equation”(9/23/89). “The Large Bright Quasar Survey and Comparative Cosmology” – with Nicoll (10/2795) – Not on the List? Two postcards: from Yvonne-95, from Rhonda and Mike. 1995 letter from A. Lichnerowicz, from Daniel Weedman, rejection of “The Large Bright Quasar Survey and Comparative Cosmology.”
File 4, OTRC-1991: drafts of “Observational Truncation and Rational Cosmology” (with J.F.Nicoll) – not on the List?
File 5, Statistical Cosmology (88-89a draft of a book ?– 90pp). A few letters. Also, a 13 page autograph “The Basic Analytic Framework of Positivistic Analysis of the Redshift Phenomenon”
File 6, Se-1misc – 10/22/90 – “Some Interesting or Useful Aspects of Group Theory”
10/18/90 Normalizable Relativistic Particle States at Rest May Have Orbital Angular Momentum of the Order of 1. “Conformal Ext # 223, early version. “Parallel Tests of Alternative Redshift-Distance Power Laws on the Basis of the QDOT IRAS Sample” (with Ni, Wu, Zhou) – Not on the List? A request from AOP to referee “On Accelerated Inertial Frames in Gravity and Electromagnetism” – by D.Lynden-Bell, J.Bicak, J.Katz

File 7, Proposal (95 or later) “Proposal for Research in Prototypical Problems in Applied Functional Analysis” –VERY INTERESTING (12pp and appendix). May 95 – “A Proposal for the Applications of Higher Math and Stat to the Theoretical Physics of Extreme Distances” (with MIT rejection letter). A letter to A. Levichev (June 19, 1995) – providing MIT support, without salary.
A few of Segal’s autographs (including May 25 request about A. Levichev), a letter from Z.Z.
File 8, SeNi95: “Apparent Nonlinearity of the Ultralocal Redshift-Distance Relation” – NOT ON THE LIST?
File 9, NAS+Cosmology-1995 Letters to: Marc Davis, Bruce Alberts, David Schramm, Jack Halpern, James Ebert, Frank Press, Francisco Ayala, Maxine Singer, Charles Townes, Steven Weinberg, Kenneth Fulton, N. Cozzarelli, Robert Adair, Peter Bickel, Kenneth Kellermann, Gian-Carlo Rota, Frank Press. Also – letters of 86-87: Gordon Baym, William Brace, Edward David, Jr., Herbert Scarf, Peter Lax. A letter from Press (Pres of the NAS), April 87. Maxine Singer (PNAS Ed.Board Chairman)
Drawer 2
The ## now follow the IES-dedicated JFA issue. When a thick offprint, only two copies saved.
File1, Segal’s off-prints (1-20).
File 2, Segal’s off-prints (21-40). (23,25,36 MISSING). Also (p.2204 from PNAS year ???), ACKNOWLEDGMENT (by William Feller): “V. Bargmann informs me that the basic theory of his article “Remarks on a Hilbert space of analytic functions,” these Proceedings, vol.48(1962), p.199, is due actually to I. E. Segal and was presented in one of a course of lectures given at the 1960 Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics, Boulder, Colorado (sponsored by the AMS), and in Chapter 6 of the duplicated notes issued concurrently (or see the forthcoming book based thereon, entitled “Mathematical Problems of Relativistic Physics”). Mr. Bargmann much regrets the oversight, which arose from exceptional circumstances, represented by the omission of reference to this work.”
File 3, Segal’s off-prints (41-60). (48, MISSING; 59 is in drawer 7).
File 4, Segal’s off-prints (61-89) (62, 67 MISSING; 68 is in drawer 7); 
62a IS NOT ON THE LIST: “Conjugacy to Unitary Groups Within the Infinite-Dimensional Symplectic Group” (Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-7216, June 1966; Addenda and Corrigenda of March 9, 1967), 11pp. 
File 5, Segal’s off-prints (90-120) (89, 96, 101, 104, 112, 114 MISSING, 91 is in dr.17 file 1; 95 –dr.19, 108 – dr.14 f.1, 115 – dr.16); 
File 6, 121-140 (121, 122, 123, 126 missing)
File 7, 141-160 (145 missing:; 143 – dr.3); see 141 for his contribution to the “Effective Theory of Gravity”
File 8, 161-180 (164 missing))
File 9, Segal’s off-prints (181-200) 187b - NOT ON THE LIST: Extract from Bull of the Am.Astron.Soc 4(1988), pp.1026-1027 (Abstract of presentation at 173d Meeting of the Soc.) – “Superluminal Sources, the Cosmic Distance Scale, and Comparative Cosmology”; 182 – dr.19, 191 missing.
Drawer 3 

File 1 (blue): *201-214* (206 missing)
File 2 (yellow): *215-227 and unpublished* (224 is in dr.29)
File 3 (red): *unpublished and/or unsorted*

Box 4 
File 4 (blue) *Se: yrs 84, 85* - Segal’s h/w 7/18/85, 7/13/85, 2/25/85 – the spannor bundle,
6/21/84, 3/19/84; Dyson – Adv Quan Mech; Bargmann – QM
File 5 (yellow) *Feynman* – 1.Quan El.Dyn. and Meson Theories; 2.High Energy Phenomena and 
Meson Theories
File 6 (dark green): “Sternberg”
The following three files might contain some of the NOT-ON-THE-LIST off-prints
File 7 (red) *Se - yrs.38-52* off-prints
File 8 (blue) *Se – yrs.53-60* off-prints
File 9 (yellow) *Se –yrs. 61-67* off-prints
Box 5 
File 10 (yellow)*From box 5* - # 143, # 203 AUT work, # 115-related, # 92-related (see the next file too)
Feb 1982. “Dear Colleague: It has come to my attention that J. Marsden and V. Moncrief have stated on various occasions that the article [1] contains an “error”, to which they have devoted considerable notice (cf. in particular [2]); but unfortunately neglected to mention that their reference is only to the utilization in the proof of one theorem of one more derivative than was explicitly assumed, which oversight is correctable by the insertion of three words and the deletion of a “+1”. 
I thank Professors Eardley and Moncrief for a copy of their work [2], which is devoted largely to showing that the conclusion of the theorem in question remains valid as stated, with one less derivative for the data than used in the proof given in [1]. This purely technical improvement, while playing no role in the larger context towards [1] was directed, can be readily achieved by a slight reformulation of the equations, which is incidental to [3]. Moreover the lengthy analysis of [2] makes material use of the Euclidean nature of the underlying space, while the formulation in [3] applies to general spaces.” Irving E. Segal 
[1] # 111
[2] D. Eardley and V. Moncrief, “The global existence of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields in 4-dimensional Minkowski space. Local existence and smoothness properties.” Preprint, 1981.
[3] # 144

File 11 (dark green) “Geometric PNAS” (corr., reviews, etc.); # 92-related (see the prev.file too)
Drawer – 4

File 1 (yellow)
(Draft) Proposal for a Norbert Wiener Institute of (applied and pure) mathematics at MIT, 13pp.
1979: Correction of an unfounded criticism of the phenomenological redshift-distance law (with J.F.Nicoll).
An application of the generalized Lax-Phillips scattering theory to stochastic processes (?)
Leray Seminar notes (mark: to X, inside: to Howe), in French
11/26/81 Hysteretic non-linear semi-groups (draft). Note by his hand: This doesn’t work. For the record only, and/or… use later. Some originals.

File 2 (blue)
9/12/78 “Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory”, typed, 36pp (not on the list?)
“Theoretical Physics and Biology (???)”, reprint, pp.418-422, “Remark on the parametrization of the states of Compley systems.” (AL: deals with Biology)
(Typed) “Decay processes and the quantization of non-unitarizable reps of causal groups” (AL: late 70s?)
(Typed) “Robust statistical analysis of complete samples” (with Nicoll), May 1979
(Typed) “The dependance of the redshift-distance exponent of the regression of redshift on apparent magnitude,” Feb 1979 
(Typed) “Observational validation of the chronometric cosmology: II. The redshift-magnitude relation for quasi-stellar objects” (with Nicoll) – draft of # 103.
90s astronomic pbns
Statement concerning M.H.Stone’s qualifications for the National Medal of Science (Nov 1979)
House (things to be done). Other originals.
A (H-Wr) 3pp letter, on a yellow paper (from ???) “Dear Irv: …I will take no phone calls from you or acknowledge any letter until you provide a written apology and accept my critique…” Signature (just one letter: “Z”?)
File 3 (red)
Nov 1985 (with Nicoll), Agreement on a book (with Academic Press)
Nov 1994, Reply to Referee (by Se and Zhou), some originals, final copy (93pp) of the article (1995)
Earlier copy (82pp), 1994.
Comment on a paper By Ni & Se (5pp): “ returned to the authors. They are pretty mixed up on several important points.” July 1976, for his lecture at Tutzing (?) Conf
Publ.176 (misc.)
File 4 (yellow)
Publ.175 (misc.)
Publ.177 (misc.)
File 5 (blue)
A) Years 1967, 68, 72, MIT Committee on Curricula, letters from; Nillssen, Gelfand, and others (to and/or from)
B) A few other people’s articles (years 68-70), many letters, S.’s recommendations for others

File 6 (red)
C.C.Corr.w.Individuals (around 1971); 69-70 expenditures, salaries (a grant by Se?)
Wilson Livsey: an accident with a car owned and registered by I. Segal… (Sept 22 1971)
His letters of recomm. for Berman, Klein, Kallman. From M.Atiyah (and dozens of other, to/from). Budgets, many originals.
Drawer – 5
File 1 (yellow)
“A New Reconstruction of Quantum Theory” (by Weizacker, Segal’s handwritten remarks)
Physical Review D, June 1992, Part II (“Review of Particle Properties”) – belongs to IES
Jorgensen’s articles, a few IES-handwritten pages – years 92, 93. Corresp. With A. Guth (MIT)
File 2 (blue)
IES: Particles, EW Theory (years 92, 93)
IES: Particle Studies (years 81, 82) – with an article by Perkins of the “neutrino theory of photons,”
letters, originals, etc.
Proc.of Conference on funct.integration and constructive QFT, 1966, MIT, edited by IES
File 3 (red) 
Pedersen’s articles, IES (prepar. of) publ. 180 – published in 1987 (years 80- early prepar.?)

File 4 (yellow)
Paneitz: “Causal structures in Lie groups and applications to stability of DE” (PhD Thesis, MIT, 1980) Other’s portions of his heritage are stored in cardboard boxes (starting with box 1, etc.). His correspondence with IES
File 5 (blue) Spannors (= IV), IES originals
File 6 (red) – from box 7
Spannors (Pan-82, IES-84); Spannors (IES, 12/17/83) 
“Gamma Ray Bursts from the Chronometric Perspective,” draft (not on the list?), 4/23/93
A letter (original) to Lenny (= Leonard Gross; 10/13/96)
“Parallel Tests of Redshift-Distance Laws in Diverse Wave Bands” (with J. F. Nicoll), not on the list – with reviews and comments, and with a reply to the Referee

File 7 (yellow)
Work on pbln.221 (years 96, 97)
“Clean work on groups -particles” (years 89-91 folder) – includes QED in real format, 3/5/91.
Two publications by Joe Repka (on tensor products)
Dozens of names (with addresses) – mailing list? A few notes by IES
“Phenomenology of the Local Angular Diameter to Redshift Relation” (# 218); 
“Statistically Equitable Cosmological Testing in Several Wave Bands” (not on the list?) – both with JFN 
Drawer – 6

File 1 (red) 
6/29/89 (typed) “The flat and curved complex structures and the particle concept in conformally invariant fields,” “Are Quasars standard candles?” (1/83) “The mathematical physics of extreme distances” (much later?)
Years 97-98 “PNAS Policies” correspondence. A few drawings by a child (Miriam?).
GRAVITY file (mostly 1998) includes many articles of others, a letter to Deser, Jan 21, 1998, etc. also, “Physical Consequences of a Co-ordinate Transformation to a Uniformly Accelerating Frame”, 1962, Nuovo Cim. (T. Fulton, F. Rohrlich, L. Witten); also, “The Energy Operator in Fundamental Physics” (with JFN), 31 December 1996

File 2 (blue) 
“Stop” (A.L.: stop the expansion of the universe!) – includes a letter to the NY Times of 3/3/98 
Line Broadening (years 89, 90)
William’s Segal (article, 1998)
Originals (particles, misc; years 80 and other)

File 3 (yellow) 7 copies of a letter to Eugene (Wigner ?), 10 pages, 12 July 1988 (two kept) 
Cosmological ‘controversy’ (thick) file. Includes letters to:Goldhaber (President of the Brookhaven National Lab), 1982; Abt (Editor of the Astroph.L.), 1982; 1983; Anderson (Bell Labs), 1983; reply to the (2nd) report of the Referee on “The morphology-luminosity relation…”;
Nordstrom (Phys.Rev.D Editor), 1982. A file handwritten (by S.Paneitz ?) as “Segal, old letters,etc.” (it has a “diary” by SP – 4 copies; two kept; from IES to D. Kleitman – regarding 1982 appointments, two letters; a letter by IES about SP, and a dozen more; the Math Committee’s letter of SP rejection, March 9, 1982; Memorandum by IES to the MIT Press Committee on Author’s rights and Press efficiency, Jan 13, 1982). Some letters are dated 1984, 1985.
To A.Mattuck, to Dean Deutch (P. Jones-related), to the Provost E. Low, to W.T.Martin, etc.
Correspondence, related to SP grant proposal (10/26/82)
IES and SP on # 153 (as well as “Regularity of the Fourier Espansion of Quantized Interacting Field Lagrangians” – not published – it is a preliminary version of # 153)
Letter from Prof. R.H.Dalitz (11/29/90), physics-related
Letter to Prof. Malvin Ruderman (3/24/90)– about “exon” – two pages
To Prof. Jack Greenberg (11/28/90) – about “exon” – one page
Correspondence with Larry Shepp (Academician and Professor) – December 1997 – Zang-hee Cho is involved, too
To Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus, President of the AAAS 12/8/97
From Enciclopedia Italiana 7/15/97

File 4 (original, olive green) “Paris Lectures” (June 85 mark)

File 5 (red). S. Paneitz’s job correspondence (1980-1983), works and vitae, sci correspondence. Most of other SP-related documents stored in separate (cardboard) boxes. 
Segal: from the Astrophysical Journal (8/11/93); from Sandra M. Faber, Bowie SU (5/31/90); to Dr. Michael Strauss, Princeton (3/16/92); to Dr. B.T.Soifer, Pasadena (3/16/92); to Dr. E.J.Wampler, Germany (8/9/85). Dozens of Astronomy-related articles (from box 9) stay in box 8. Most of the related computational data discarded. Misc. on 1994 “Symposium on Quantization and Nonlinear Wave Equations” (held 7-11 June 94 at MIT) – many related letters to IES. About 10 (his hand-written) pp. (on C*-algebras). From Yvonne Ch.-Br. (8/5/94). Early computations (organized by IES) – box 8.

File 6 (blue) From P.R.Masani (U of Pittsburgh) – regarding his paper (1/22/96). His correspondence regarding Tolksdorf and Zylka (two young researchers invited to MIT) – 1994.
A. Komech visit (93-94) – Moscow SU. To-from O.Ullman (student of Prof.Borner, Germany) 7/22/94 – he wanted to use IES astronomy results/methods. Correspondence (Leon Lederman, Frank press – the NAS President) regarding “The Nature of Redshift” symposium (Feb 94). Correspondence with M.M.Lavrent’ev (Novosibirsk, USSR), with A. Daigneault (Montreal, Canada) – 1992. Eric Blackman (MIT), his article and letter to IES (10/2/90). Bruce Peterson file (with his letter to IES, 3/28/74). Steve Mann (file), draft of #216 – both left in box 9. Many astronomy reprints discarded. IES: early computations (organized, left in box 9). A note from Fred L. Whipple to IES (1974?). IES: 1943-45.

File 7 (dark green): “Redshift talks-general, popular; Final C.C. MS.” tx, A. “An informal intro to the Chr.Cosmos, Pronciple, and Redshift Theory: Questions and Answers” (5 pp).
Drawer – 7
File 1 (red). A few letters (copies of) inside
“Work on Non-Linear Hyperbolic Semigroups.” Three lectures (Historical Ramblings) by E. Hille (1968).
Hand-written (on particles – before 1969). 1973: Bits of chronotheory, possibly useful, not all published.
File 2 (yellow). Statistical tests, – misc. and early (remain in box 9). Report on visit to SU (Sept-Nov 1964), 16pp. Remark on the parametrization of the states of complex systems (Versailles Conf, 26-30 June 1967) = # 68 (missing from drawer 2). “La Variete des solutions d’une equation…” (= # 53, see drawer 2). Early 60s: work on his AMS book. 1981 (chronometry? - originals) work. Also, 1967. Also, (his copy of) Infinite-dim irreducible reps of compact semi-simple groups (= # 52); also, # 50 (his copy). Sources for # 73. Draft, 11/30/79 – “General Varieties of Temporal Irreversibility” t, 15pp., unfinished, with A. Rechel-Cohn (Harvard University), not on the list. Abstract: Several partially new general varieties of temporal irreversibility are developed, exemplified, and related to entropy. These are related to the following physical constraints: (1) the classical character of the observables actually measured in an experimental probe of the state of a quantum system; (2) the local character of the observables actually measured in an experimental probe of a cosmological state; (3) positivity of the energy in a covariant quantum system. The quantum representation of phenomena such as white and black holes is brought into relationship with semigroups of isometries and their adjoints, and the entropy of localized states treated in this formalism. An extremely general notion of a uniform time scale associated with an evolving system and its entropy is proposed and partially validated. “Elementary Particles from a Mathematical Perspective” (late 70s, t, 14pp, unfinished, not on the list – incorporated into other publications; outline: I. The particles; II. The alternative theories,- their essence: covariant bundles; II. Interactions as local invariants of bundles; IV. Quantum numbers as generators of maximal abelian representation subalgebras; V. The main apperent bundles: spinor, vectors, scalars; VI. Some physical puzzles and possible mathematical counterparts). Yr. 1962 work: on fields over space-times. 6/29/89 (and later): “The Flat and Curved Complex Structures and the Particle Concept in Conformally Invariant Fields” (same as in 6-1), 13pp. – not on the list? A (copy of) letter to Jan (Chaiken?), July 24, 1964; also, notes in a hotel in Denmark. Correspondence with W. Strauss (1965). 
File 3 (blue)
Letters, forms, agreements, telegrams – mostly dated 1964, related to planned visits of American scientists to SU (including IES; he titled it “Russian Trip Report”). Work on non-linear systems (early 60s?).
Communication with Ed Nelson (1964). 1959 Summer Seminar (includes 1958 letters). Lectures at MIT (1971): “Math Theory of Quantum Fields.”
File 4 (red)
IES: Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields (about 1971? approx. 150 typewritten=T pages); a letter from Barry Simon (2/8/71); 3 pp note by J.F.Nicoll (attending IES’s class?)
IES: his notebook, April 1963, A, drafts of articles, letters; approx. 100 pp. 
File 5 (yellow) IES: his notebook, 1974-75, A, spinors, conformal invariance, etc., drafts of articles, letters; about 100 pp.
“Physical and Parametric Space in QFT” (seminar by IES 24 April 1965, IHP), T with A corrections.
“A Mathematical Approach to Elementary Particles and Their Fields,” Summer 1955, 188 pp., T
1955-57, copies of letters, T, some A.
File 6 (blue)
“The mathematical meaning of operationalism in QM” (pp.127-133, 1958?, T, with A corrections). Other material related to the Berkeley Symposium on Axiomatic Method.
Curriculae, correspondence (1947 and on; T, A); “Was There a Big Bang” (article by D. Berlinski, 1998);
A letter to Dr. B.A.Peterson, 12/26/85 – regarding his criticism of Chronometry (there were about 40 copies of that letter, AL discarded most of them); more correspondence with Peterson and H. Murdoch (1986) on absorption lines. Redshift – 70s (?), A. Paris, 6/85 lecture, T,A.
File 7 “ApJL 6/98 Nonparametric”: T, A corrections (last as of June 1998) to ApML ; “Estimation of the redshift-distance relation” (its earlier version, with JFN, in 3-2) – not on the list.
File 8: “Life in Universe.” The folder contains (among other things) his 20pp, T, “Notes on Life in the Universe” – not on the list (late 80s, unfinished) – “Some pre-pre-scientific ruminations connecting recent fundamental developments in the physical and biological sciences, and tending towards aphilosophical reconciliation of free will and scientific determinism.”
File 9: “Robust for AP.J. plus Schmidt; Marshall plus Weedman data” {Astronomy, 1984, tx, A}

Drawer – 8
IES: his file folders. 
File 1 “Transparences 1989”
File 2 “Redshift plus other talks” (thick folder): Stanford, Yang-Mills, A (1979 and other years). 
File 3 “Salpeter, ms, LMS in reply” (it was thick but PC calculations printouts discarded). Tx letters (7/14/86, etc.), A
File 4 “PNAS - Salpeter,” ms, tx, A, many letters (1987 and other years), thick (# 178-related).
File 5 “Hille article” (about; he died in 1980), med. thick.
File 6 “Correspondence 1975” (thick), 1975 and other years. Includes: Stan Radwan (he sent his Thesis to IES), Harish-Chandra, A, from Japan, Lemuel Domas, Larry Domash, Bert Kostant, Albert Shild, S. Rosenblat, James Ax, Hannes Alfven, and many others. 
File 7 “General correspondence” (med. thick), 1974-. Includes: Sakai, Paul Dedecker, Markus, Frohlich, Cameron, Kotake, to Edward Kennedy, Drieschner, Mumford, and many others; A, tx. Review of an article by Barry Simon. 
File 8 “Correspondence 1976” (thick), 1976 and other years. A, tx. From Dixmier (on the IES book), Power (UK), Richard Brauer, Jacob Feldman, Dupont (France) – on his article about Cosmos, Bing, H.E.Smith, Hellwig (Germany), Nachbin, Lai, to UNESCO (regarding Israel), Gugu (?), to Editors of Science News (where his work has been described), and dozens more. 
Very thick (“1977 corr.-“) folder. The content moved to three folders (see below).
File 9 (red): 1977, 1978, A, tx, correspondence - dozens of names; 
File 10 (yellow): 1977, 1978, A, tx, correspondence - dozens of names; 
File 11 (dark-green): Regarding Dr. Arnal (Flato’s former student), 1977, tx. 
File 12, Astro statistics (thick). Unusual (1/23/82) by IES: “this is being written at home, courtesy of a snowstorm (sched.10am-2am)” . The distortion in the CBR spectrum… Articles by others.
Drawer – 9
File 1 (yellow) Cosmological “Controversy” file (from SP archive, presumably), tx, A, 1981-1983. About 30 letters (Referees, editors, to and from IES). A few are from IES files (includes 1986-87 correspondence; includes a letter about Chudnovsky brothers from Kiev). “Bombieri file” (by S. Lang), 
1995 correspondence, 1993 Proposal, A, t, tx. Reference (Sept. 1995) from Ivan Todorov on the use of coherent states (rather than sharp mass states) for charged particles in QED Kulish, Faddeev, Theor.Math.Phys., 4 (1970) 745; also Phys.Rev. D45 (1992) 1291, 1322. 
File 2 (blue) – Comparative Statistical Cosmology in the Pre-Evolutionary Redshift Regime (with Nicoll and Wu); Observational Truncation and Rational Cosmology (with Nicoll); Statistical Cosmology (sent out to be published in 1989); some with long appendices (all never published; about 1989-91); corr. tx, t. 
File 3 (red) – “IR Sources – Data”. Lecture at the Rome Conference (# 169-related), tx. To Yvonne (2/23/84) on “Cronstrom gage” (thin file). More on YM eq-ns put in the above file. File (thin) on Elem.Part.Conf (1965). NSF 1965-66 corr. A, ax, t, tx. “OSR Conference” (1965 – same?). 
File 4 (dark green, med. thick) “Cosmology Correspondence and Material.” 1979-80, mostly. Has some later years too; A, ax, tx.
File 5 (dark green, med. thick) – “Individuals, Astron. Corr., statisticians.” Years 1975-81. Review by A. H. Taub of IES-76 book, A, ax, tx. Renewal of IES MIT grant, 1987.
File 6 (green, med. thick) – “Cosmology Corr., Dist. Lists, Etc.” (1986 mostly). IES requested letters of support regarding him getting a chair (1987, some copies discarded, ax, tx) also included this file.
File 7 (green, med. thick) – “Corr. 1986-87, unsorted” (has some earlier too). His Proposal evaluation. A, ax, t,tx. Contains correspondences with dozens of individuals. 
File 8 (green, med. thick) – “Popular Cosmology,” Corr. Includes a review of IES-76 book by Y. Ne’eman (a better one than that by Taub) .
File 9 (green, thick) – “Stat. Cosmology” (half of its content is in file 2 – above); ax, t. 

Drawer – 10 a, ax, t, tx
File 1 (yellow) – “OSR Final Reports” (1962-70). IES # 105, # 110 files. 
File 2 (blue) – more on 110-related issues (negative report by IES on an article by C.J.Goebel, same title as # 110). Extract from copy of letter from A. Weil to G. W. Mackey dated 7 March 1963, as communicated to IES at that time. Corr. with O’Raifeartaigh (can be # 64 related). Erratum to # 116. The Segal-Bargmann transform for compact Lie groups (by B. C. Hall, 7/1/1996). “C.C.III – Dirac 80th Birthday” (# 141-related; includes a letter to Dirac, 5/4/82). A letter from Paul (Chernoff ?, 12/13/84, ax), a letter from W. Faris (12/17/84; t). 8/5/85 to Dollard on Alspach. 
File 3 “1979-” (thick) corr. Includes an evaluation by IES of a NSF proposal by Dimock. Leibowitz, Arms, Hart, Bacry , Levine, Palais, Cameron, Singer, Kato, Connes, Evans, Prugovecki, to Hartshorne on P. Chernoff, B. Gruber, R. Moshe, Klauder, and many others.
File 4 “Corr. 1983 - ” (med. thick). Includes NSF proposals 1982, 1983. 
File 5 “Math. Phys. Association” Corr., 1975-1983. 
File 6 “Letters in Math. Phys. ” (starting 1975). Corr. includes Powers, Flato, and others. 
File 7 “Corr., 1981” – Hulthen, Contopolous, Stromgren, Chandrasekhar, Duff (OSR), to Laetsch on Palmer, to Greenspan on Nicoll, Rosinger, Chatterji,Spowart, Abell, and many others.
File 8 “1982” (med.thick) – Jorgensen, Hellwig, Hanle, Pohlmann, Taflin, Berestycki, M. Artin, Chern, Ashtekar, B. Simon, Barroso, Mould, Gaskell, Yuval Ne’eman (about relation to Weyl’s Relativity), and many others. IES COMMENT ON “Second Reply to Referee’s Report” (related to “A Critique of Segal’s Chronometric Theory”. “…the reply is a literary snow job, to use the vernacular, of which the author (Laurence I. Wormald) himself appears to be the chief victim (a far from uncommon experience in attempted scientific literature). But when he comes to formulas he shows he understands nothing of recent developments regarding Maxwell’s equations, independently of the chronometric theory that he seems to think he is discussing… ” IES to Prof. Held (regarding the above): “…This young man is making a simple parody of science, and it is in the long term no favor to him, and surely no service to science, to permit his obstinacy to embellish the pages of GRG…” NSF proposal. 
File 9 “1980-“ (med. thick) – van der Merwe, IES about Blattner’s NSF proposal, IES on Prof. Noll’s NSF proposal, on paper by Lloyd-Evans (not recomm.), to Lars (Garding?), to Louis (Nirenberg?, 12/12/80, 4pp) on periodic solutions of non-linear equations, on a manuscript by M. Kon, to Bent (Orsted?), to Steve (Paneitz?), to W. Sargent, from J. Peetre, on NSF proposal by Kaiser, from Morawetz, Nagel, and many others. 
File 10 “Past Confs” – on Garding (to P. Lax, 8/19/86), years 74-75 mostly, Cameron symp, the Unity of the Sciences Conf (1975), his draft (for the Conf? – yes: “Is There a Non-trivial Universal Physics?” / pp.241-245 of the Proceedings of the 4th Intl Conf on the Unity of the Sciences, Nov 27-30, 1975, New York. 1-1). Extractions from it: “photons are vectors in…” “light is represented by the corresponding quantized field with Bose-Einstein statistics…” “Current-Misc”, Poulsen, V.Weizsacker, conf. in Feldafing, Kyoto Conf, Warsaw Conf.
File 11 “Hille 80 Conf” (thin).
File 12 “Conferences Finished” 1978-84
File 13 “Personnel Reviews, Claustal + Berman visits”(thick). Misc. letters as well as subfolders: Steve’s Talk in Triest, Triest part., Humboldt, “Paris 77 (College)”
Drawer – 11 a, ax, t, tx
File 1 (red)
John Chadam’s file; a Jan 73-notebook by IES. “Group 56 Corr + Business” (HumanRights-related; contains his letter to A. Pinochet). “The mathematical Formulation of the Measurable Symbols of QFT…”, 70pp., – a talk given at the IntnConf (Lille, June 1967) – not on the List. 
File 2 (blue)
Many (t, tx, a) chronometry-related notes (year 1971, mostly). “Distributions, Propagators”(1969, 1971). 
1969, 1970 different lecture notes. A few 1993 originals. 
File 3 (yellow). Fundamental Physics from a Contemporary Mathematical Standpoint, draft of 18.255, semester II, 1975-76. A Variant of Special Relativity and Extragalactic Astronomy (his lecture at the Feldafing Conf, July 1974). Report on Visit to Soviet Union (Sept-Nov 1964). Publ.# 53. “Non-linear relativistic PDE” – text of the Report at the InternCongress of Mathematicians, 1966. “Entropy + Irreversibility” (1979, 1980).
File 4 (red) , a few 1948, 1950, 1951, 1958 documents. 1953 (from/to Lawrence A. Kimpton, Chancellor, M.H.Stone, Hochschild, Kodaira, Mostow, Woody Stinespring, Bernard Galler, MacLane, and some others). His #39. Chicago U Faculty News Bulletin (1948), vol.1 ##2, 3. IES did not get an apartment in the Faculty Housing Project (April 1948). “QFT Research” (1982/83, Cohomology of Weyl systems)
File 5 (blue) *Cohomology of Forms, Complex-Wave Reps* (by SP, mostly, 1983, with a Letter from IES 8/15/83). “Chicago Memorial” file (1957, 1958)
File 6 (yellow). Seems to be mixed with someone else’s (SP?) notes. Some of the titles are: “Computation of barion masses,” Conformal QP., 2-space; projective QP., 3-space; 10 Oct 1964 mark, non-linear quantization, and more. “Hans” folder: 5/19/76 – “Some questions about groups and DE connected with Elementary Particle Studies”, ax; 6/30/76 - “Interacting Quantum Fields and the Chronometric Principle”, tx, it is his #97, and more. 
File 7 “Australian Visit”(thin), 1980.
File 8 “Texas, Trips + other”(med.thick) –1970, 1974-1976. From Barut, (quite a few, one is regarding J. Nicoll) to Arnold (Arno) Bohm, arrangements for his lectures (at different places), to Prof. Hurst, to Prof. R. Herman (PSU), from Sudarshan, and others. 
File 9 “The YM equation and gauge groups” – 1977, 1978 notebook, a, 90. 
File 10 “Q.F. Book, Part A” (black folder), t, a, 1978.

Drawer – 12 a, ax, t, tx
Box 16
File 1 (red): his 1945, 46, 52 (and other) corr.; some marked “restricted”; 1970 corr. (includes letters to a lawyer) regarding ENIAC matter (supersonic flow related?). Herman Goldstein, Hussey Jr. (Vice Admiral), A. Wundheiler, and others. 1947 folder (contains earlier yrs too): Kakutani, Friedrichs,Koopmans, Brinton, Lefschetz, Kaplansky, Zygmund, R. Oppenheimer, B.A.Miller, and others. His memorandums on: T.Rado, L.C.YoungE.J.McShane. Lists (who is who at those offices, etc.). Report on Math.Articles in the Britannica (he was an Adviser?). Basic theoretical articles in Pure Mathematics (year 1956)
File 2 (blue): 1983: on his custody dispute; his memorandum (on Pierre Conner) to W.T.Martin . IES on I.Singer (1949, then 1951). 1969: his MIT Memorandum (to the MIT President) “Commission on MIT Education”. Other 1957-58 documents. Selberg, Prosser, Jessen, and others. Britannica (1955-58) folder. AMS (58-59) folder.
File 3 (yellow): “Guggenheim” folder (1946-51) contains his description of his advanced study and research work; his (late 40s ?) photo, Chadwell, Mathias, Fosdick, and others. His letter of June, 1948, - for research and study abroad, especially in Russia. “Corr” thick folder (1943-: Ambrose (many letters from), a few from Jacqueline 00, to Gloria 00, Lax, Feller and many others; postcards, his letters like:”I was in a mood the main idea of which was something like this: that what people do and try to do (though not the people themselves) are insignificant.”
File 4 (red): his “If the world is round, why not the Cosmos” 1982-suggestion to The Scientific American. “Corr” (1985- Hughes, to Princeton Univ Press on the QFT book (with Baez and Zhou), Tenner, his year 1988 letters (including one to Ralph D’Agostino) regarding the MIT mandatory retirement; nomination for L.D.Faddeev in the NAS, Deutch-Mattuck 1985 corr.; he proposed himself for a chair; Sci work of IES (his document, 19pp); Impagliazzo, Kiselman, Koshland, Wahl (on kinematical approx.of wave functions), Morrison, Solow; about J.C.Baez; Gelfand, to Alan (Guth?) “Clocks in Chronometric Theory”, and many others. Dec 4, 1992: “The MIT Math Dept cannot endorse your proposal to teach the Summer Session course 18.10s” (from D.J.Benney). IES writes to the Dean of Science (Dec 10, 1992). Birgenau, Benney, Orsted, Avala, on Alan Guth. A few documents related to the von Neumann 1994 Symposium. His list of 188 publications (up to year 1992). One other has 182 (they are not identical). #221 (a copy with his corrections). “Publ. list, Vita, Etc” 
Box 17
File 5 (blue): His 1979, 1981, 1992 notes (on Astronomy, mostly). “EMSS 93 - Discards” (AL discarded many other people’s articles). 
File 6 His file (in a green folder) with ## 57, 60,63, 184. The folder contains his 1945-47 corresp.
File 7 “Recent Data and Plans - Cosmology” (dark green folder, 1989 mostly); Salzer.

Drawer – 13 a, ax, t, tx. Box 17 (cont.), box 18. Many extra copies discarded by AL.
File 1 (blue): “P&T invariance” (1979, thick). “Conservation of Parity in the Chronometric Theory” – not published?). “Spinor fields in the chronometric space-time”.” Deformation of Chronometric Theory into SRT”.
File 2 (yellow) “April 1967-“ (thick). Official reply from a Cameroonian authority (about someone in prison there). Valya Bargmann, Ernie (Griffin?), Abel (Klein?), Walker, Kalnay, Chern, Sherman, Bongaarts, Mosco, Fawley, Choquet-Bruhat, Palais, and many others. 
File 3 (red) “Correspondence” (thick, 1962-). Lichnerowicz, Montgomery, R. Phillips, Leray, To the Editor of Math Rev (IES mentions “manifestly deliberately derogatory” review by A.S.Wightman of his paper), Sakai, L. Gross (and about him), P. Dirac (IES asks to meet him), Jim McShane (to, about Feynman and his Gibbs lecture), Max Dresden, Feller, Wallace, David Shale (to, from, on), Nelson, Cook, Eberlein, Dolph, Gelfand, Rosser, to Martin (on Glimm), Kastler, and many others. “Correspondence 1963/64” (med. thick).
File 4 (blue) “M.I.T., 1959” (contains 1960 too). “Current Notes on ???” “Quantum Theory II” (50s ?). “A mathematical model for the system of all elementary particles”, 1957 (to W. T. Martin). Subfolder 1 “Integrals and Operators Corr”: 1976-78 (mostly on his book with Kunze, 2nd ed.). 
File 5 “Sandage Corr, 87-” (many other names, though).
File 6 “e-mail ???” (offprints of some 1990 e-mails)
File 7 “AA Talk” (AA=American Academy; 1989-90; Garrett, Dan Bell, J. Orlen, J.L.Doob to J. Orlen: “…It is about time that Segal’s chronometric theory, which gives a non-expansion interpretation of the red shift, received a wider hearing.”)
File 8 “JFNicoll” (1989-90 as well as earlier; JFN appointment as Assistance Director of…by W.Y.Smith).
File 9 “Agenda” (very thin, 1983 &), “Theta-z Relation/Eric B. work” (Eric Blackman seemed to have been working at MIT)
File 10 “Cluster study”(a few other people’s articles, “Is the velocity-distance relation for galaxies linear?” – by S. van den Bergh; about 1992) 

Drawer – 14 a, ax, t, tx. Box 18 (cont.) 
File 1 (blue) Subfolder 1 “Lille Project” (thick). “A pilot model for the system of all elementary particles” (unfinished, still in Chicago). “Mathematical structure of the S-matrix for linearly coupled bosons” (unfinished). Subfolder 2 “PNAS – YME paper” (1978). July 26, 1978: not appropriate for Phys.Rev.Lett.(report of the Referee). (Draft of) # 108. 
File 2 (red) “MIT printed 1970-71” (Sally, Sudarshan, Faris - “your landmark paper…” – in a 1970 letter to Segal; Coddington – regarding R. Herman, Lundell – on Ramsay, Gelfand, Piranian – on Bandyopadhyay, R. Arens, to Hellwig – on the von Neumann’s article, Morawetz, Kadison, Rickart, Mayants (Moscow), Rosen, and others). “AJ Figures/Original Tables(some)” (1974-76). “MIT Printed-I/1970” – contains other years (e.g. 1974). (# 93-related) Referees’ reports. The article was rejected by the AJ (published in PNAS). 
File 3 (yellow) “Absolute Cont. of Distr.”(thin), ”MIT Printed – 1969/70” (thick); contains other years (e.g. 71, 74). Kostant (to, Nov 2 1973), His opinion on a proposal by V. Bargmann and B. Simon.K. Jorgens N. Jacobson, Harish-Chandra, and others. PhD Thesis “Parastatistics in QFT” by S. Robbins, MIT. 
File 4 (blue) “Hyperbolic PDEs” (thin; old notes?). “Messy work on Q??”(med. thick). Contains Notes on V. Fock’s 1932 article. “Analytic Systems” (contains “Second Quantization”). “delta + V – stochastic?” “Kostant” (almost empty, with “Boson-Fermion Interaction” subtitle of the folder. “Bob Morgan” (Charles Robert Morgan, thin). 
File 5 (red)“PNAS 1978 Theory…” Also contains yrs 1971, 1972, Holmberg, Kanter, Lacey, Effros, Weisskopf, Faddeev, to IES about Ananda Marga (yoga), Shapiro, Lin, D. Ray, Abrahamson, Lieberman, from Marsden (about Segal’s error, 1971), Schonbek, and others. Box 19. “… Review” (thin, deals with Review to his 1976 book in the Bulletin of the AMS). “Rees - NAS” (Rees – so-called superluminal velocities, black holes; IES is against him in the NAS elections). Separately: “Apparent Superluminal Motion and Comparative Cosmology” (Nov 30, 1987), draft of #187. 
File 6 (yellow) “Q-Forms on Manifolds” (thick, #74 related). “Norbert Wiener” (9/2/88, 81pp). 
File 7 (red) Part of the content was not in any of Segal’s folders: (yrs 1985, 1988, 1989, 1979) E. Wigner, D. Rowley, to R. Melrose (MIT) on U. Haagerap, G. Ellis (on his chronometry-critical article), a 3pp letter from B?? (with full address in Australia) A. Sandage, N. Vonneuman (John von Neumann’s brother), Kurt Wolf, D. Sarason, D. Osterbrock, I. Singer, NSF proposal evaluation on W. Strauss, D. Bernard, J.-C. Pecker, A. Krasinski, an astronomy-related letter (presumably, a response to Segal’s request to proofread his article) from John ??? (208 West High St., Urbana, Illinois 61801), L. Khalfin (a postcard from him), his approval of an NSF proposal by A.P.Balachandran, his report on the M.Mizony’s article (GRG), his report on Baez’s article, etc. “Misc to File 11/86” thick envelope: Hagedorn, Walters, B. Speh, G.K.Miley, J.P.Swings, and others. An article (on I.I.Shapiro) by B.G.Wallace in Sci Ethics Forum.