PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS SEMINAR TITLE: DIFFUSION-LIMITED AGGREGATION IN A CHANNEL SPEAKER: LEONARD M. SANDER Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics University of Michigan ABSTRACT: We performed extensive numerical simulation of diffusion-limited aggregation in a two-dimensional channel geometry. Contrary to earlier claims, the measured fractal dimension and its leading correction to scaling are the same as in the radial case. The method of conformal maps allows us to give new insight into the mean-field for DLA. The mean-field cluster in a channel, defined as the one generated by the ensemble averaged conformal map, is not identical to a Saffman-Taylor finger, as has been previously suggested. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2003, 2:30 pm in Building 2, Room 338 Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM in Room 2-349 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Cambridge, MA 02139