PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS SEMINAR TOPIC: ADDING A DIMENSION TO COCHLEAR MECHANICS SPEAKER: ELIZABETH S. OLSON Department of Physics Princeton University ABSTRACT: The auditory inner ear, the cochlea, is a spiral of fluid and sensory tissue encased in bone. Sound energy from the environment enters the cochlea by the plunging action of the third middle ear bone, the stapes. In the cochlea, the sound stimulus is translated into a neural signal via specialized transducer "hair cells" within the sensory tissue. The fluid dynamics of the cochlea shapes the stimulus that is delivered to the hair cells. Incoming sound is sorted by frequency so that high frequencies cause the sensory tissue to move maximally at locations close to the stapes, and low frequency sound causes maximal motion far down the spiral. Beyond frequency sorting, the cochlea amplifies small signals, effectively compressing a large range of input sound pressure into a much smaller range of output hair cell voltage. This amplification involves mechanical action by a second set of hair cells. The basis for frequency separation and small signal amplification in the cochlea is not clear, even at the most fundamental levels. In the work described here, measurements of intracochlear pressure close to the sensory tissue were made. Pressure measurements complement measurements of sensory tissue motion. The goal was to use simultaneous measures of these complementary quantities to examine the mechanical properties of the sensory tissue, looking in particular for resonance and amplification. The measurements also probed the fluid component of cochlear mechanics, and suggested that this component's role in frequency tuning merits further investigation. DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2000 TIME: 2:30 PM LOCATION: Room 2-338 Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM in Room 2-349. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Cambridge, MA 02139