PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS SEMINAR TOPIC: FRACTAL PATTERNS AS ITERATIONS OF CONFORMAL MAPS SPEAKER: BENNY DAVIDOVITCH Weizmann Institute Abstract: In this talk I will consider fractal growth processes in 2-D with an emphasis on the well known diffusion-limited-aggregation (DLA) model. I will present a new formalism to describe the phenomeonon which is based on the evolution of the conformal map from a fixed smooth mathematical curve (such as the unit circle) to the growing cluster. The analytic power of this method will be used to establish a renormalization scheme by which the fractal dimension of the asymptotic cluster is extracted from very early stages of the growth, when the groemtry of the growing object is still smooth. DATE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 TIME: 2:30 PM LOCATION: Building 2, Room 338 Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM in Room 2-349 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Cambridge, MA 02139