Meeting Time: Friday, 3:00-5:00 p.m. | Location: 2-135
Contact: Pavel Etingof and Victor Kac
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID
944 6977 1032
For the Passcode, please contact Pavel Etingof at
Date and Time | Speaker | |
September 6 | Albert Schwarz (University of California, Davis) |
Geometric approach to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory In the geometric approach to quantum theory that I suggested several years ago we take as a starting point the set of states. This viewpoint is more general than the standard approach where the states are considered as density matrices and the algebraic approach where the states are identified with positive functionals on an associative algebra with involution. A large class of examples including conventional quantum mechanics can be constructed from classical theory where our devices can measure only a part of observables. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Sept 13 | Andrey Smirnov (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) |
Frobenius intertwiners for q-difference equations The quantum difference equations are K-theoretic analogs of Dubrovin connection in quantum cohomology.
In my talk I show that over $p$-adic fields the quantum difference equations of Nakajima quiver varieties are equipped with the Frobenius automorphism $z\to z^p$. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Sept 20 | Student holiday | |
Sept 27 | Alexander Goncharov (Yale University) |
Exponential volumes in Geometry and Representation Theory Let S be a topological surface with holes. Let M(S,L) be the moduli space parametrising hyperbolic structures on S with geodesic boundary, and a given set L of lengths of the boundary circles. It carries the Weil-Peterson volume form. The volumes of spaces M(S,L) are finite. M.Mirzakhani proved remarkable recursion formulas for them, related to several areas of Mathematics. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Oct 4 | Vasily Krylov (Harvard) Hunter Dinkins (MIT) |
Resolved Coulomb branches and vertex functions The first part of the talk will be given by Vasily Krylov and is based on the joint work with Ivan Perunov. We will discuss the geometry of Coulomb branches corresponding to finite Dynkin quivers. These Poisson varieties are known to be isomorphic to the so-called generalized slices in affine Grassmannians. Using the multiplication morphisms introduced by Braverman, Finkelberg, and Nakajima, we will construct coverings of resolutions of certain slices by affine spaces and, in particular, obtain explicit Darboux coordinates on them as well as characters of tangent spaces at torus fixed points. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Oct 11 | Ivan Losev (Yale) |
Categorical Heisenberg actions and modular representations of rational Cherednik algebras This is based on arXiv:2408.02485, joint with Bezrukavnikov. We construct certain functors on categories of representations of rational Cherednik algebras associated with symmetric groups in zero and large positive characteristic. Our functors are indexed by pairs of a partition and a rational number, the slope. For a given slope, the functors give an action of the positive half of the Heisenberg Lie algebra, while when the slope varies and the characteristic is positive we get a categorical action of the positive half of the elliptic Hall algebra. In this talk I will explain necessary notions, sketch the construction, and provide the motivation, partly coming from the double affine representation theory. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Oct 18 | Retreat | |
Oct 25 | Andrei Ionov (Boston College) |
Character sheaves, Koszul duality and link invariants I will report on a new approach to interpreting the category
of character sheaves as a monoidal center of the torus-equivariant
version of the Hecke category. The benefits of this approach are that it
at the same time stays completely within the realm of triangulated
categories, works independently of sheaf-theoretic set up and goes
beyond the case of unipotent monodromic sheaves. In particular, it
allows to give a new proof, independent of sheaf-theoretic setting, of
the fact that the Drinfeld center of the abelian Hecke category is
equivalent to the abelian category of unipotent character sheaves. I
will further use the construction to establish a mixed Koszul
self-duality for the derived category of character sheaves. This in turn
has an application to symmetry in Khovanov-Rozansky homology theories
and the generalizations of these theories to links due to
Gorsky-Hogancamp. |
Nov 1 | Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) |
Finite groups vs supergroups In this talk we will explore how some methods and results of modular representation theory of finite groups can be extended to the representation theory of algebraic supergroups with a reductive even part over a field of characteristic zero. We begin by defining analogs of Sylow and elementary abelian subgroups, followed by "superanalogs" of Sylow theorems. We will also outline a proof of an analogue to Chouinard’s theorem for supergroups, which states that the projectivity of a representation is detected by restriction to elementary abelian subgroups. Additionally, we will discuss possible analogs of the Green correspondence, defect groups, and Broue's abelian defect groups conjecture in the context of supergroups. Finally, we will show that, unlike in the case of finite groups, the cohomological support does not coincide with the Balmer spectrum of the derived category of representations of a supergroup.The talk is based on joint work with I. Entova-Aizenbud, J. Pevtsova, A. Sherman and D. Vaintrob. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Nov 8 | Eric Opdam (University of Amsterdam) |
A remark on the Langlands correspondence for tori (based on joint work with Marcelo De Martino) Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Nov 15 | No seminar | |
Nov 22 | Nathan Haouzi (Institute for Advanced Study) |
On the quantum q-Langlands program In its simplest incarnation, the geometric Langlands program, as defined by Beilinson and Drinfeld in the 90’s, relates, on one side, a flat connection on a Riemann surface C, and on the other side, a more sophisticated structure known as a D-module on C. A recent generalization of the correspondence, due to Aganagic-Frenkel-Okounkov (AFO), predicts the existence of an isomorphism between q-deformed versions of conformal blocks on C (of genus 0 or 1), for a W-algebra on one side, and a Langlands dual affine Lie algebra on the other side. In the first part of the talk, I will review the current status of the program, and elucidate the meaning of tame ramification at points on C; the crucial new ingredient will be to give a definition of q-primary vertex operators on the W-algebra side, which I argue to be determined entirely from the representation theory of the dual quantum affine algebra, very much like the celebrated relation between W-algebra generators and the q-characters of Frenkel-Reshetikhin. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Nov 29 | Thanksgiving | |
Dec 6 | Boris Khesin (U. of Toronto) |
Geodesics, vortex sheets, and generalized fluid flows We discuss ramifications of Arnold’s group-theoretic approach to ideal hydrodynamics as the geodesic flow for a right-invariant metric on the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. It turns out that many equations of mathematical physics, such as the motion of vortex sheets or fluids with moving boundary, have Lie groupoid, rather than Lie group, symmetries. We present their geodesic setting, which also allows one to describe multiphase fluids, homogenized vortex sheets and Brenier’s generalized flows. This is a joint work with Anton Izosimov. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Dec 13 | Yakov Varshavsky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) |
Automorphic functions as the trace of Frobenius The goal of my talk to explain a proof of the result asserting that the trace of the Frobenius endofunctor of the category of automorphic sheaves with nilpotent singular support is isomorphic to the space of unramified automorphic functions. More generally, traces of Frobenius-Hecke functors produce shtuka cohomologies. This is a joint work with D. Arinkin, D. Gaitsgory, D. Kazhdan, S. Raskin and N. Rozenblyum. Zoom Recording (Kerberos Required) |
Jan 21 Special Seminar Tuesday, 12:15pm-1:15pm Room 2-449 |
Valentin Ovsienko (CNRS (Reims)) |
q-deformed rationals and irrationals: geometry and combinatorics The concept of q-deformation arises in many areas of mathematics. In algebra and representation theory, it is the origin of quantum groups; q-deformations are important for knot invariants, combinatorial enumeration, discrete geometry... In mathematical physics, q-deformations are often understood as "quantizations". The recently introduced notion of a q-deformed real number is based on the geometric idea of invariance by a modular group action. In this introductory and accessible talk, I will explain what is a q-rational and a q-irrational, demonstrate beautiful properties of these objects, and describe their relations to many different areas. |