Talbot 2005: The Geometric Langlands Program

Mentored by David Ben-Zvi

February 27 - March 4, 2005
North Conway, New Hampshire


Here are the notes from the 2005 Talbot Workshop in PDF format. These beautiful notes were taken by Megumi Harada. Page 23 was contributed by Scott Carnahan.

The Talk Schedule

From Langlands to geometric Langlands [Scott Carnahan]
Hecke and Iwahori-Hecke algebras [Elizabeth Mann]
Moduli of bundles and algebraic stacks [Chris Douglas]
Perverse sheaves [Andre Henriques]

Langlands & Deligne's proof for GL(1) [Mike Hill]
D-modules [Travis Schedler]
Vertex algebras [Reimundo Heluani]
VA & Langlands [David Ben-Zvi]

Geometric Satake isomorphism [Joel Kamnitzer]
Beilinson-Bernstein localization [A.J. Tolland]
Hitchin's integrable system [Alexei Oblomkov]
Quantization of Hitchin's system [David Ben-Zvi]

Fourier-Mukai transform [John Francis]
Fourier-Mukai transform and Langlands over C [David Ben-Zvi]
GL(2), Eichler-Shimura [Mark Behrens]
New developments [David Ben-Zvi]