1.[9-10] Overview of the method. [Chris Douglas]
2.[10.30-11.15] Surgery theory and G/BlockAut, Part I. [Andre Henriques]
3.[11.30-12.15] Surgery theory and G/BlockAut, Part II. [Stacy Hoehn]
4.[5-6] Orthogonal calculus and BlockTop/Top. [Tibor Macko]
5.[8.30-9.30] BlockTop/Top and the Whitehead space. [Jacob Lurie]
6.[9-10] On a train from Beilefeld to Oberwolfach. [Michael Weiss]
7.[10.30-11.30] Waldhausen K-theory. [Teena Gerhardt]
8.[5-5.45] Waldhausen K-thy, TOP-Whitehead space, concordances, Part I.
[Allegra Berliner]
9.[8.30-9.15] Waldhausen K-theory, DIFF-Whitehead space, concordances,
Part II. [Vigleik Angeltveit]
10.[9-10] Diffeomorphisms of disks and spheres. [Mike Hill]
11.[10.30-11.30] Algebraic Surgery, LA-theory. [Marcus Meyer]
12.[5-6] Controlled topology, Part I. [Qayum Khan]
13.[8:30-9:30] Controlled K- and L-Theory, Part II [Michael Weiss]
14.[9-10] Dwyer-Weiss-Williams, Part I. [Jeffrey Giansiracusa]
15.[10.30-11.30] Dwyer-Weiss-Williams towards Weiss-Williams III, Part
II. [Julia Weber]
16.[5-6] Weiss-Williams III. [Michael Weiss]
17.[8.30-9.30] Discussion session.
18.[9-10] Higher torsion invariants, Part I. [Scott Carnahan]
19.[10.30-11.30] Higher torsion invariants, Part II. [John Francis]
20.[5-6] Igusa's singularity approach. [Michael Weiss]
21.[8.30-9.30] Discussion session.