The RSI/SPUR Lecture Series serves as a platform for distinguished mathematicians to share their expertise, cutting-edge research, and passion for the subject with the next generation of mathematical prodigies.
READ MOREScenes from the 2023 Purity Springs retreat.
The Sept. 8-10 Purity Spring Resort Weekend Retreat was a great success, thanks to retreat committee members Rodrigo Arrieta Candia, [...]
READ MOREFirst photo, from left: Steven Johnson, Chirag Falor, and Michel Goemans; second photo, from left: Michel, Nitya Mani, and Serina Hu.
Three students recently received the Peter Baddoo Community Building Award, [...]
May 10, 2023
Room 2-290
May 11 Room 2-290 3pm-6pm
The Department’s annual Pi Day Celebration featured pie decorating and eating, circle drawing competitions, 3/14 birthday swag, and a sharing of favorite Pi formulas.