A computationally focused introduction to elliptic curves, with applications to number theory and cryptography. Lecture notes from the 2017 edition of this course are available on OCW. The 2019 edition will include some additional material on isogeny graphs relevant to post-quantum ECC.
Prerequisites: A course in algebra covering groups, rings, and fields. May be taken concurrently with 18.702.
05-17-19 The notes for Lecture 26 have been posted.
05-16-19 The notes for Lecture 24 have been updated to correct an error in the statement of Corollary 24.31 (the point P must have order n).
05-13-19 The notes for Lecture 25 have been posted.
05-12-19 If you have not already done so, please be sure to fill out the Online Subject Evaluation for 18.783.