Lecture 6 - Thu 2020 09 17 - Virtual % ============================================================================== Continue and finish with prior lecture; from structural stability for trans-critical onward. Finishing details. --- To students: read in the book the example for a laser theshold. --- To students: read the population growth example in the book. --- Critical slow down phenomena for saddle node bifurcation [NORMAL FORM: \dot{x} = r + x^2]. Example of a critical slow down phenomena for saddle node bifurcation IN THE CIRCLE. Then \dot{theta} = f(theta, r), f periodic of period 2*pi. Then assume f is positive for r > r_0, develops a zero at theta_0 for r=r_0, and goes below zero in a segment around x_0 for r < r_0. Note: solution periodic for r > r_0, with period T = \int_0^2*pi dtheta/f. Does not contradict "no periodic in 1-D" because this applies to the line! In the circle theta+2*pi ~ theta and you can get periodic. Note: as r to r_0, T grows to infinity. Note: for r > r_0 solutions approach the stable critical point. Note: for r = r_0 there is a semi-stable critical point and it takes infinite time to go around the circle. Time scale characterizing the critical slow down. How does T grow as epsilon^2 = r-r_0 vanishes [this defines epsilon]. For epsilon small T is dominated by values of theta near the minimum, where (generically) f is quadratic. Thus, modulo constants: T ~ \int dtheta/(epsilon^2 + theta^2) ~ 1/epsilon = 1/sqrt{r-r_0}. % ============================================================================== STRUCTURAL STABILITY (SS) summary, with "preturbed" normal forms. Saddle node normal form: \dot{x} = h+r + x^2 SS Trans-critical normal form: \dot{x} = h + r*x - x^2. Not SS If we KNOW x=0 stays as solution, then \dot{x} = (r+h)*x - x^2. SS Pitchfork normal form: \dot{x} = h + r*x - x^3. Not SS If we KNOW x = 0 stays as solution, only symmetry is broken, then \dot{x} = r*x + h*x^2 - x^3. Not SS If h preserves the symmetry, then: \ dot{x} = (r+h)*x - x^3. SS All this follows by the technique of expanding and only keeping dominant terms [and then normalizing so all the coefficients are \pm 1]. % % ============================================================================== EOF