Lecture 26 - Tue 2024 12 10 Last lecture. Two interesting dynamical systems. Cover one-or-both below. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Faraday instability and bouncing drops. Bouncing drop system described in Lecture 23 [guest lecturer N. Liu]. Here I add a few, larger context, things: 1) Faraday discovered the instability in the mid-19 century. One of the first [or maybe the first] documented instances of a parametric instability. Describe the set up. Behavior can be understood in terms of Floquet theory. Describe what parametric forcing [as opposed to regular forcing] is, and how it has a richer behavior. 2) In the presence of dissipation, first instability is a sub-harmonic one [1/2 omega], which arises at some critical value of the forcing. Explain it as a resonance between the forcing and a wave with wave-number with corresponding wave-frequency equal to the subharmonic. 3) Drops can bounce indefinitely if the forcing is large enough. 4) Mention period doubling for bouncing [shows up for ping pong already]. 5) Thresholds. If vertical forcing has acceleration gamma*sin(omega*t) then: gamma_B: threshold above which a drop can bounce [no merging]. gamma_D: period doubling bifurcation for bouncing. gamma_F: Faraday instability. Then if gamma_B, gamma_D < gamma < gamma_F drop is in resonance with waves. Walking happens at some gamma_D < gamma_W < gamma_F; provided vertical motion is still in the period double region. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % The Manta ray attractor in a simple model for detonation waves. Follow the talk [2020/12/01] in the pdf [posted in the web page]. Note that here we use alternative [A2] for Takens' theorem: [A1] For a discrete system and a single signal {x_n}, use: (x_n, x_{n-1}, ...., x_{n-N}). Note the clear connection with the Lorenz map [discussed earlier]. [A2] Smooth signal b = b(t) where time derivatives are accessible, use: (b, b', b'', ...). This last is the scheme we used for the "manta ray" attractor for pulsating detonation waves in "The_Videos_and_the_Manta_ray_attractor.zip" % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % % ========================================================================== EOF