This is a note to: Strange attractors and Lyapunov dimension.pdf Some intuition for the Liapunov dimension: In 3D an attractor has 3 Liapunov exponents: L1 > L2 > L3. #2) For an attracting fixed point all exponents are negative. Thus (sum_{n=1:d} L_n) is zero for d = 0. #2) For an attracting limit cycle in 3d: Two negative: L2 and L3 [contracting directions] One zero: L1 (sum_{n=1:d} L_n) is zero for d = 1. #3) For an attracting Torus, one exponent is negative and the other two are zero. (sum_{n=1:d} L_n) is zero for d <= 2. Now thing of something like Rossler. Then one exponent is negative ["vertical direction"] one is zero [the "rotation" direction] and the other is positive. (sum_{n=1:d} L_n) is zero for some d > 2. The "d" is obtained by interpolation. EOF