Lecture 25 - Thu 2024 12 05 One dimensional maps y = f(x). % =============================================================================== % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Cover, from [UNM] Unimodal Maps Notes [posted on web page with lecture 24] [#4] Why/How does period 2 happen? [#5] point 3 (intermittency). point 4 (Universality and the U-sequence). Then: Why/How does period 3 happen? Mention "period 3 implies chaos" result/theorem. Why/how do period doubling sequences happen for unimodal maps? Why/how does self-similarity arise. Rough idea for Feigenbaum's renormalization argument. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Brief introduction to Floquet Theory. Examples: bouncing drops; ping-pong; upside down pendulum; stability of planetary orbits [this was the original motivation, with Hill examining the stability of the Moon's orbit in the mid-XIX century]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EXTRAS. In a prior Lecture I mentioned the Liapunov dimension for strange attractors, but did not explain it at all. With this lecture I post some notes from the web on "Strange attractors and Lyapunov dimension" as well as an attempt at a little intuitive motivation for the Lyapunov dimension. % % =============================================================================== EOF