Lecture21 Tue 2024 11 14 Chaos and Dynamical systems in 3D ... reduction to 1d maps [in some cases]. % =============================================================================== Review, go over the video posted in the canvas web page [virtual lecture from 2021, with videos --- Tue 2021 11 09 - 18.353 Lecture 18]. The lecture covered the topics below. The Lorenz equation (first topic below) was covered on Lecture20 Thu 2024 11 14, but I showed no videos. Also forgot to mention the Lorenz map. <======================================================== DO IT TODAY % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % LORENZ EQUATIONS. \dot{x} = sigma (y-x); % sigma, r, b, ... positive constants. \dot{y} = r x - y - x z; % In Lorenz derivation: sigma = Prandtl # \dot{z} = - b z + x y; % r = Rayleigh # Invariance: x --> -x and y --> -y. Phase portrait invariant under this. Volume contraction: --- \dot{Y} = F(Y) vector field contracts or expands volume from the sign of div(F). In this case: div(F) = - sigma -1 - b < 0. Volume decreases exponentially fast --> all trajectories to a set of zero vol.; either a fixed point or limit cycle or "strange attractor". NOT ALLOWED: neither Quasi-periodic nor repelling fixed points or orbits. Fixed points: Origin: stable node for r < 1 and saddle for r > 1. Linearization gives \dot{z} = -b z, so game played on x-y plane. Pitchfork bifurcation happens at r = 1. C^+ and C^- (for r > 1): x = y = \pm sqrt{b(r-1)}; z = r-1. Can show: stable for r < r_c = sigma (sigma+b+3)/(sigma-b-1) [assume sigma > b+1] at r = r_c a SUBCRITICAL HOPF happens. What happens for r > r_c ... say sigma = 10, b = 8/3, r = 28. Strange attractor: solutions end up in a set of zero volume, but not quite a surface [a fractal] Note: strange attractor is a set containing many solutions. Sensitivity to initial conditions. Chaos: bounded a-periodic motion with sensitivity to initial conditions. Attractor: Invariant bounded set. Attracts an open set of I.C. It is minimal. It is "strange" if it also exhibits sensitivity to initial conditions. This excludes: critical points, limit cycles, and quasi-periodic slns. Mention: transient chaos [intermittency]; Lorenz map; Floquet exponents. Note: The Lorenz system is not always chaotic. In some parameter regimes it has a globally attracting limit cycle; in others a critical point is an attractor; and there are also "mixed" regimes where a strange attractor and a "well behaved" (limit cycle, CP) attractor co-exist. Physical realization: Malkus-Howard wheel. To understand better the structure of strange attractors, we will look at a simpler system: The Rossler attractor. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ROSSLER EQUATIONS. x_dot = -y - z; y_dot = x + a*y; z_dot = b + z*(x-c); a, b, c constants. We will fix a = b = 0.2 and vary c (c = 5 = chaos regime). INTRODUCTION and MOTIVATION. We begin the analysis of the Rossler attractor by studying the dynamics in the "almost" 1-D "bottom plate". We can do this by looking at the Poincar\'e map of a cros-section back to itself. Later we will look at the baklava's details. This yields a 1-D map from an interval to itself: x_{n+1} = f(x_n); map from R to R or from interval to interval. f smooth (or, at least, continuous). The Rossler Poincare map, as a function of the parameter c. See video. Describe what it does. Another way to get the map: look at the sequence of local maximums of one of the variables, say: x = x(t), {x_n}. Then plot x_{n+1} versus x_n. This gives an "almost" curve. Why? Well, remember that the attractor is very flat, almost a surface. Hence, for a short time at least, it will behave as a dynamical system in the plane, where two initial conditions determine the trajectory. In this case the conditions are x = x_n and \dot{x} = 0. This "prescription" works for any attractor that is very flat, almost a surface. In particular, the Lorenz attractor --> The Lorenz map. Show how the map looks then. NOTE: the idea of a map from x_n to x_{n+1} is due to Lorenz. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % SIMPLEST EXAMPLE OF CHAOS. RECALL THE COMPUTER PROBLEM ASSIGNED IN PROBLEM SET #1. We will revisit it (LATER) in the context of this example. Because discrete trajectories can cross, 1-D maps have a much greater dynamical range than 1D continuous systems. In fact, they "contain" much of the dynamics of 3D systems such as Rossler, or Lorenz [3-D with nearly 2-D attractor]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Transversal structure of Rossler. FRACTALS. Cantor's work on infinity and cardinality. --- Define cardinality and countable sets (can be ordered). --- Show rationals have same cardinal as natural numbers. --- Proof real numbers not enumerable. --- hypothesis continuum. Cantor set C_c --- Measure zero. --- Cardinal of real numbers. --- Fractal: Has structure at all scales [self similar C_c ~ 2 C_c]. --- How do we characterize fractals? Dimension ------------------> NEXT LECTURE In this stuff we will be following "Lecture21_2021_scan.pdf" and "Lecture21_whiteboard353.pdf" % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % % ===============================================================================