Lecture19 Tue 2024 11 12 % =============================================================================== % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % BIFURCATIONS OF CRITICAL POINTS (review done earlier) We first discuss bifurcations where a critical point is stable on one side. Explain: then, generically, there is a curve along which everything is attracted and where the bifurcation happens. Another way to think of it: intersections of two curves [the null-clines]. Note situation "the same" as 1-D, where the two "curves" for \dot{x} = f(x, mu) are: y = f(x, mu) and y = 0. SADDLE NODE in 1-D ---> Saddle node in 2-D \dot{y} = -y \dot{x} = mu-x^2 Do phase portraits for mu > 0, mu=0, mu < 0. TRANSCRITICAL: \dot{y} = -y and \dot{x} = mu*x - x^2 Saddle and node "exchange" Example: \dot{x} = -a*x+y ................ nullcline: y = a*x \dot{y} = x^2/(1+x^2) - y ....... nullcline: y = x^2/(1+x^2) Has both saddle-nodes and transcritical. PITCHFORKS: \dot{y} = -y and \dot{x} = mu*x-x^3 (soft) \ add \dot{y} = -y or \dot{x} = mu*x+x^3 (hard) / Note analogy with Hopf: soft (nonlinear stabilize) and hard (nonlinear destabilize). Explain scaling "intuitively" % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % BIFURCATIONS OF LIMIT CYCLES: GLOBAL. Prior bifurcations involved the neighborhood of a critical point: local. 1) Saddle-Node bifurcation. Two cycles "collide" and annihilate each other. \dot{r} = mu r + r^3 - r^5 = f(r) <-- this eqn. undergoes saddle node \dot{theta} = omega Explain "puzzle": how can two curves approach each other *everywhere* and end up the same at the same value of bifurcation parameter. Why is this not extremely rare? Answer: if one point coincides, then whole solution equal! Saddle-node corresponds to eigenvalue in Poincar\'e Map crosses through z=1. Do Poincar\'e Map for 2-D limit cycle. To TABLE ..................... amplitude ~ O(1) period ~ O(1) Next two DO NOT FIT Poincar\'e pap picture. There ********************** is no Poincar\'e map as the "tube/strip" of nearby ********************** orbits tracking cycle shrinks to zero as the bifurcation is approached. ** Requires a critical point on or approaching limit cycle. 2) Infinite Period Bifurcation: Crit. point pops-up on limit cycle; destroys it. \dot{r} = r(1-r^2) \ limit cycle exists for |a| > 1, \dot{theta} = a-sin theta / does not for |a| < 1. To TABLE: amplitude ~ O(1) period ~ O(1/sqrt{|a-a_c|}) [critical slow down]. 3) Homoclinic bifurcation. Do the picture. Limit cycle cut by a saddle. To TABLE: amplitude ~ O(1) period ~ O(1/log|r-r_c|) % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Conditions for Hopf using two timing. Do the example using the approach in the notes Hopf bifurcations using two timing and complex notation. I only covered the idea, but did not go into the actual computations. These are left for the students to read using the notes in the web page. % % ===============================================================================