Lecture 12 - Thu 2024 10 17 Hamiltonian Systems; Gradient Systems; Liapunov Functions; Limit cycles. % =============================================================================== % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Left without doing from prior lecture: HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS Show that H is conserved for \dot{q_n} = H_{p_n} \dot{p_n} = - H_{q_n} for n=1:N Then \dot{H} = Sum_n H_{q_n} \dot{q_n} + H_{p_n} \dot{p_n} = Sum_n H_{q_n} H_{p_n} - H_{p_n} H_{q_n} = 0. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Gradient systems have the form \dot{x_n} = -V_{x_n} GRADIENT SYSTEMS for some function (the potential) defined in phase space. Note that \dot{V} = -(grad V)^2; [A] Thus, if V has only isolated points where grad V = 0 (fixed points of system) the solutions approach the local minimums of V. For a gradient system: local isolated maximums of V are repellers. local isolated minimums of V are attractors. These systems cannot have periodic solutions. Physics: while Hamiltonian systems correspond to zero dissipation, gradient systems are the opposite: when driving-dissipation dominates the behavior. Note: if V is strictly convex, then it has a single minimum, and [A] drives the solution towards this minimum. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Physical systems with dissipation combine a Hamiltonian plus a gradient structure, with V strictly convex. For an arbitrary system \dot{Y} = F(Y) in n-dimensions, the equation for the evolution of the volume of a differential blob in phase space is: \dot{V} = \dive(F) ...... Show this left to a problem set. Use this to show that a Hamiltonian system preserves volume and physical dissipation shrinks volume. For a Hamiltonian \dive(F) = \sum (\dot{q_n})_{q_n} + (\dot{p_n})_{p_n} = \sum (H_{p_n})_{q_n} - (H_{q_n})_{p_n} = 0. For a Gradient \dive(F) = \sum (\dot{x_n})_{x_n} = - \sum (V{x_n})_x_n = - Laplacian V < 0 if V is strictly convex. Note: obviously, if V has a saddle (not convex), near it it can expand volume! % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % A Liapunov function is a function, L = L(x), LIAPUNOV FUNCTIONS. defined on phase space such that (grad L) = 0 only at critical points and \dot{L} < 0 elsewhere. EXAMPLE: V for a gradient system. Note that: the existence of a Liapunov function means that there are no periodic solutions. [B] Prove this by assuming a periodic solution and looking at the the variation of L over one period DL = \int \dot{L} dt. Periodicity says DL = 0. The Liapunov property says DL < 0. Note: for proof do not strictly need \dot{L} < 0 away from critical points. Enough to have: \dot{L} \leq 0, with the set where \dot{L} = 0 being transversal to the solutions [so on a periodic orbit there would only be a discrete set of such points]. Example: \ddot{x} + \dot{x}^3 + x = 0; take L = 0.5*(\dot{x}^2 + x^2). % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Define: Isolated closed trajectory. LIMIT CYCLES. Example: draw stable, unstable, and semi-stable limit cycles. Example: in polar coordinates, let \dot{\theta} = 1 and \dot{r} = r*f(r), f smooth. Then r>0 fixed points of f yield limit cycles. Example: van der Pol oscillator \ddot{x} + mu*(x^2-1)*\dot{x} + x = 0, mu > 0. Decay for x large and growth for x small. Only one critical point. Later on we will see this yields a limit cycle. For now: numerical. Draw what phase plane looks like for $mu$ small. Give hand-waving justification, and explain how averaging yields radius: Solution approximately a circle. Plug in approximate solution into equation \dot{E} = mu*(1-x^2)*\dot{x}^2, where E = 0.5*(x^2+\dot{x}^2) = 0.5*r^2 to compute radius for which \dot{E} is approximately zero. As $mu$ grows, sinusoidal character is lost, later on we will see what happens when $mu$ is large. For example; x = x(t) gets "jerky", and looks a bit like a square wave. Explain physics behind the equation [electronic oscillator]. Analogous situations: Dad pushing swing with little kids; clocks that do tic-toc ... why? Why are limit cycles a thing? It would seem that having an orbit that closes exactly on itself is a very fickle thing, easy to destroy! Explain why not. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % van der Pol oscillator For a somewhat detailed derivation of the van der Pol oscillator equation, check [in [R] below]: Chapter V (Self-sustained oscillations) Part B (Forced oscillations in self-sustained systems) The circuitry shown corresponds to a valve triode [there were no transistors when van der Pol derived the equation], but the idea is the same if instead a transistor triode is used. Note that valve components are no longer used for consumer electronics, but they are still used for applications that require either high power and/or small signal to noise ratio. [R] Nonlinear vibrations in mechanical and electrical systems by Stoker, J. J., New York, Interscience Publishers, 1950 and 1963 You can find the book in the Library, as well as on-line in the Internet Archive: 1963 version https://archive.org/details/nonlinearvibrati0000stok 1950 version https://archive.org/details/nonlinearvibrati00stok % % =============================================================================== EOF