Lecture 11 - Thu 2024 10 10 Continue with phase plane. Reversible systems; Index theory; Hamiltonian Systems. % =============================================================================== Here we continue with the topics in Lecture 10. As in there, you can find extra details in either Strogatz' book, or in Durey's Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf (posted in the Web page). While I may not cover everything in Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf; you SHOULD read Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf (and the book). Note: below, stuff like "Pages 10-11 LD" means pages in Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Pages 10-11 LD. REVERSIBLE SYSTEMS Define reversible. Motivate by example of mass in potential: \ddot{x} + V^\prime(x) = 0, (or pendulum). Prove: LINEAR CENTERS STAY CENTERS if they are on the symmetry axis of a reversible system. Point out that reversible and conservative are NOT the same: Example of a conservative system that is not reversible: left to a problem set. Example of a reversible system that is not conservative: Given by drawing phase plane. --- Place two saddles along the x-axis, at some x = \pm a. --- Place two nodes along the y-axis, at some y = \pm b. Node at y = b unstable and node at y = -b stable. --- Connect repelling main axis of node at y = b with attracting direction of the saddles, and make the repelling secondary axis the y axis. --- Reflect across x-axis and reverse arrows. More examples [to be read by students] Bottom page 10 LD. Reversible system \dot{x} = y-y^3 and \dot{y} = -x-y^2. Bottom page 11 LD. Reversible, but not Conservative system. \dot{x} = -2*cos(x)-cos(y) and \dot{y} = -2*cos(y)-cos(x). Reversible across line x = -y. x to -y; y to -x; t to -t; Note system has a symmetry across x = y; but it does not flip time [so, not related to reversibility ... need the time reversal for the argument that linear centers are also nonlinear centers]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % We have seen that a system can be reversible but not conservative. SKIP Can a system be conservative, but not reversible? Yes: look at \dot{x} = E_y and \dot{y} = -E_x [A] and select E with level curves near a local minimum that have no symmetry. [A] belongs to a very important class of conservative systems: "Hamiltonian systems". See below. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % pages 15-17 LD (and book) INDEX THEORY Linear stability: local info near C.P. Index theory: GLOBAL info. Define: index of a closed curve. Unrelated to stability (time reversal does not change it). Example. Compute index for a closed orbit. Example. Compute index of curve enclosing: saddle, node, center, spiral. Important property: moving curve does not change index [as long as motion does not bring curve across a CP, where index is not defined]. Use this to: define index of an *isolated* critical point. Properties (prove them). 01) Curve deformed continuously *without* crossing a fixed point .... I = const. 02) Field is changed continuously *without* vanishing on curve ...... I = const. 03) If curve does not include any fixed points ...................... I = 0. 04) Reversing field direction (t \to -t) does not change the index. Thus: index and stability are not related. [Proof: this adds pi to angles] 05) If closed curve is actually an orbit (i.e.: periodic solution) .. I = 1. 06) Note (03) and (05) ==> a closed orbit must include critical points. 07) Introduce curve surgery and algebra of curves. Then I_{A+B} = I_A + I_B. 08) Let C be a closed curve without fixed points, enclosing the fixed points P_1 ... P_N. Then I_C = \sum_n I_n; where I_n = index P_n. Note that this generalizes (03). Proof: use (07). EXAMPLE: Index theory shows the Rabbit-Sheep system has no periodic orbits. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS Define Hamiltonian systems. Motivate with masses in a potential. Assume an even dimension system, with phase space parameterized by q = (q_1, ..., q_N) and p = (p_1, ..., p_N). Let H = H(q, p). Then \dot{q_n} = H_{p_n} \dot{p_n} = - H_{q_n} is a classical Hamiltonian system, where H is the Hamiltonian (= Energy), and it is a conserved quantity [SHOW IT] All the equations of non-dissipative classical mechanics have this form. I doubt we will have time to look at Hamiltonian systems, unfortunately. % % =============================================================================== % EOF