Lecture 9 - Thu 2024 10 03 Finish 2-D Linear systems. Start with (nonlinear, generic) phase plane. % =============================================================================== Note: the materiel here is covered both in Strogatz's book, as well as in Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf from M. Durey, posted in the web-site. % =============================================================================== Finish example with repeated eigenvalue \neq 0, and a single eigenvector. \dot{x} = lambda*x; and \dot{y} = lambda*y + x. Solution: x = x0 e^{lambda t} and y = (y0 + t x0) e^{lambda t} Do the case lambda < 0 [lambda > 0 is the same, revert arrows]. % =============================================================================== STABILITY DEFINITIONS [Illustrate with drawings and give examples] Attracting ............... trajectories in neighborhood converge to x* Liapunov Stable .......... nearby trajectories stay there. Asymptotically stable .... both attracting and Liapunov. Do example of attracting but not Liapunov [in circle]. These are the ones in Strogatz's book, but you may encounter also: Neutrally stable ......... another name for Liapunov. Strongly stable .......... another name for asymptotically stable. These definitions apply to critical points. Other kind of solutions will require other concepts [e.g.: orbital stability for periodic solutions]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EXAMPLE ["Romeo and Juliet"] \dot{R} = -a*J and \dot{J} = b*R, [RJ] a, b, positive constants. Romeo is a bit of a jerk, and says Juliet is "clingy" if she expresses love for him, and he becomes concerned when she rejects him. Neither does he have a "center" for his love (it is all Juliet driven). Juliet does not have a center either, and simply responds to Romeo. Not surprisingly, the result is a never ending cycle of love and hate, with frequency sqrt{a*b}. Note that [RJ] is just the harmonic oscillator! This is a structurally unstable situation/model. If either Juliet or Romeo develops a bit of a "center", things will (literally) spiral out of control. You can find more examples in the Lectures_7_8_pre.pdf" from M. Durey, posted in the web-site [as well as in the book]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % *** TOPIC COVERED IN Lecture 8 *** BEGIN PHASE PLANE Objective: get phase portrait. Behavior is controlled by these main elements: 1) Fixed points and their type and stability. 2) Periodic solutions, which correspond to closed orbits. 3) Cycle graphs [we will define these later]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % NUMERICS The numerical schemes mentioned for 1-D problems [see Lectures_1_2_pre.pdf by Matt Durey in the Lectures web page] Forward and Backwards Euler, Improved Euler, Runge-Kutta, etc., can all be extended to n-D. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EXAMPLE Example: \dot{x} = x+e^{-y}; C.P. (-1, 0); lambda = 1; v = (1, 0); \dot{y} = -y; lambda = -1; v = (1, 2); A = | 1 -1| | 0 -1| Draw nullclines; note that nullclines are NOT orbits in general. In this case, one of them (y = 0) yields 3 orbits. Note y \to 0 as t \to \infty, so \dot{x} ~ x + 1 (i.e. x ~ e^t for t large). y \to \pm \infty as t \to -\infty. Draw now the stable and unstable manifolds for the saddle (note stable manifolds cannot cross nulcline \dot{x} = 0). Now use the direction field to draw phase portrait. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % *** TOPIC COVERED IN PRIOR Lectures *** EXISTENCE and UNIQUENESS In drawing phase portraits, it is important to know solutions do not cross. Quote IVP existence and uniqueness theorem for \dot{x} = f(x), with simplified hypothesis: f continuous with bounded derivatives in neighborhood of I. Data. Note: OK for derivative to have discontinuities! [but here we will assume cont. partial derivatives]. ===> A closed trajectory splits phase portrait in two [inside and outside]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % *** TOPIC COVERED IN PRIOR Lectures *** PHASE PORTRAIT NEAR CRITICAL POINT When does the linearization give the correct phase portrait near a critical point? ANSWER: when small perturbations of the linear system's matrix do not change the linear phase portrait (i.e.: the "meta-theorem" applies.) % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EXAMPLE: center becomes spiral due to nonlinear terms. \dot{x} = -y + a*x*(x^2+y^2) and \dot{y} = x + a*y*(x^2+y^2) Linearization at the origin gives a center. Go to polar, using x*\dot{x} + y*\dot{y} = r*\dot{r} x*\dot{y} - y*\dot{x} = r^2*\dot{theta} Then \dot{r} = a*r^3 and \dot{theta} = 1. Spirals for r \neq 0. EXAMPLE: det(A) = 0 degeneracy ---> *** Done in lecture 8. saddle or node due to nonlinear terms. Look at \dot{x} = x^3 or \dot{x} = -x^3 and \dot{y} = -y. Mixes also possible: \dot{x} = \pm x^2 EXAMPLE: Stars can become nodes or spirals. Done in prior lectures. EXAMPLE: Even worse A = 0 can turn into very complicated patterns. Done in prior lectures: points that are half saddle and half node. We will see more complicated examples later EXAMPLE: \dot{x} = -x*(1-x)*(1+x) = -x + x^3 and \dot{y} = -2*y. Yields: Saddle, node, and saddle on real axis at x = -1, 0, 1. Special property: nullclines are also "special" solutions. UNUSUAL! This example is on top of page 4 in the notes: Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf Matt Durey notes. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CONSERVATIVE SYSTEMS. First, do example with potential mechanical systems, and get conservation of energy. General definition: E defined on open sets, with $\grad E \neq 0$ (except at C.P. --- explain why). Show: Conservative systems cannot have sinks/attractors or sources/repellers. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Example: 1-D mass with double well potential. Generally: local max. of V are saddles and local min. are centers [non-linear!] Graphical illustration of periodic motion [roll back and forth on graph of V]. Draw phase portrait. The equations are: \ddot{x} + V^\prime = 0; V = -0.5*x^2 + 0.25*x^4. This example is on the bottom of page 8 in the notes: Lectures_9_11_pre.pdf Matt Durey notes. The standard tricks to get conserved quantities: 1) Multiply equation(s) by something and add, to get exact differential. 2) In 2-D look at dy/dx = \dot{y}/\dot{x}. If you can solve this by separation of variables, the integration constant is a conserved quantity. Note that: dy/dx is the equation for the ORBITS [i.e.: the curves, no time]. % % =============================================================================== EOF