Lecture 8 - Thu 2024 10 01 % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % We now start the study of 2-D continuum dynamical systems. This have the form: \dot{x} = f(x, y) and \dot{y} = g(x, y) for some functions f and g [which we will, generally, assume nice and smooth]. We will be able to classify *ALL* the possible phase space portraits!! [A1] --- Introduce notion of of orbits/trajectories in the plane. Curves traced by the solution. Note: a solution gives ONE orbit, but an orbit corresponds to many slns.: If x = X(t), y = Y(t) is a solution, then x = X(t-t0), y = Y(t-t0) is also a solution, with the same orbit. <---- UP TO HERE: DONE IN PRIOR LECTURE ----> Note [A1] is possible because solutions "do not cross", and solutions "trap" each other in the plane. What kind of spaghetti patterns can arise in a dinner plate if every spaghetti must be touching the plate along its full length? This is the question we will be answering. :-) Except that on a very large plate, with spaghetti of all lengths covering the entire plate; with restriction: the pattern is "smooth". Important: the MatLab toolkit in the webpage has some phase plane tools. In particular: play with PHPLdemoB % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Quick description of the answer to [A1], by hand-waving. [A2] Orbits do not cross; away from CP locally parallel; Orbit self-trapping [if it gets back but misses it cannot cross ever ... "spirals" in or out]. Then, where does it go? 3 intuitive answers: to infinity, to a critical point or ... closed orbit! This is, basically, the Poincare-Bendixon theorem, which will be seeing later [no proof though]. From this we see that a key step in understanding the phase plane, is knowing what happens near a critical point ---> next topic. Just as in the phase line, the critical points (stationary solutions) are crucial in "organizing" the phase portrait. However: --- We need more than just critical points to understand what can happen. --- 2-D stability of critical points is a bit more complicated than in 1-D. --- We start by linearizing near a critical point. STABILITY DEFINITIONS: <---------------------------------- MOVED TO LECTURE 09 Attracting ............... trajectories in neighborhood converge to x* Liapunov Stable .......... nearby trajectories stay there. Asymptotically stable .... both attracting and Liapunov. Do example of attracting but not Liapunov [in circle]. These are the ones in Strogatz's book, but you may encounter also: Neutrally stable ......... another name for Liapunov. Strongly stable .......... another name for asymptotically stable. These definitions apply to critical points. Other kind of solutions will require other concepts [e.g.: orbital stability for periodic solutions]. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % We begin the study by looking at ........................... LINEAR 2-D SYSTEMS That is: \dot{x} = a*x + b*y and \dot{y} = c*x + d*y, [B] where a, b, c, and d are constants. Or in vector notation: \dot{X} = A*X, where X = [x; y] and A = [a, b; c d] [MatLab notation here]. In the lecture: instead of X I will use x with a bar below to denote vector, and I will write A in the standard form. WHY DO WE SAY [B] is LINEAR? Explain. This is a REVIEW of 18.03, so I will go fast here. If you have forgotten 18.03, take a look at the notes there. **OR** you can take a look at the examples in "Lectures 7-8 pre.pdf" from M. Durey, posted in the web-site. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EXAMPLES --- Harmonic oscillator, with solutions: x = R1 cos(omega*t + theta_0) y = - R2 sin(omega*t + theta_0) where y = \dot{x}, omega = sqrt{k/m} for a mass-spring system, R2 = omega*R1, and R1 \geq 0 is an arbitrary constant. The orbits are ellipses, with principal axes R1 and R2. --- A diagonal, with diagonal elements a, and -1. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % START WITH STUDY/REVIEW OF SOLUTIONS TO LINEAR SYSTEMS. Recall: General solution to \dot{X} = A X in terms of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Example: for the harmonic oscillator the eigenvalues are \pm i omega Classification of the linear system phase portraits. Do it in terms of the discriminant Dis = Tr^2/4 - De which appears in the solution to the characteristic equation 0 = det(lambda-A) = lambda^2 - Tr lambda + De where Tr = Trace(A), De = det(A) so that eigenvalues are ........ lambda = 0.5 T \pm \sqrt{Dis} EXAMPLES NEXT LECTURE. % % ============================================================================= % EOF