Lecture 3 - Thu 2024 09 12 Continue with flows on the line and start with bifurcations. % ============================================================================= % Left for students to read from prior lecture summaries: From Lecture 01; the last point in the summary: EXTRA STUFF: Attractors, Tipping points/Bifurcations, etc. % ============================================================================= % POINTS LEFT HANGING FROM PRIOR LECTURES: 1) Geometrical view and failure of linearization for 1-D \dot{x} = f(x). This happens when df/dx = 0 at a critical point f(x_c) = 0, and the solution is dominanted by the first nonlinear term in the Taylor expansion near x_c. Geometrically it is then easy to see what happens: Draw all the possible cases. Four, in fact, corresponding to the pictures given by f(x) = \pm (x-x_c)^2n and f(x) = \pm (x-x_c)^{2n+1} % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 2) EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS THEOREM for ode. Lipschitz. 2.1) Example of non-uniqueness: Leaky bucket. Math.: \dot{x} = -sqrt{|x|}; x >= 0 [x = depth of water]. Maybe example where "well posed" fails: why "thermal CSI" does not work. 2.2) Where is chaos and the butterfly? Theorem says that, for \dot{Y} = F(Y), Y(0) = Y_0, and F nice enough, the solution depends continuously on Y_0. So, small changes in Y_0 cause small changes in Y(t). Hence: Where is chaos here? Does this preclude it? No! Precise statement: if Y1(t) and Y2(t) solve \dot{Y} = F(Y) with initial data that are close enough, then |Y1(t) - Y2(t)| <= |Y10-Y20| exp(K*t), where K is the "Lipschitz" constant for F. Also, note that this is for a finite time, because the theorem does not guarantee existence for all times. Now: This is a "universal" bound, which for "well behaved" solutions is a GROSS over-estimate. Chaos can happen when it is not an over-estimate, and the error grows exponentially (i.e.: like e^{mu*t}, for some mu > 0), which does not the theorem contradict -- Note: exponential growth of the error is a very important requirement for chaos ... but not the only one. % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 3) Cover the metatheorem (end of lecture 2) % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 4) The wire and goo system: \dot{x} = f(x) = - V'(x) Interpret critical points as max/min of V and stability. About neglecting inertia: What does it mean that inertia is small? The importance of Non-dimensional variables: Example [non-dim a damped mass-spring system]: m \ddot{x} + b \dot{x} + k x = 0. ==> Use as time unit T = b/k [balance of spring with dissipation] then epsilon*\ddot{x} + \dot{x} + x = 0, where epsilon = m*k/b^2. Small inertia means epsilon is small. Also: see the notes "Overdamped approximation. Justification." in this web page. It is not always OK to neglect terms multiplied by a small parameter; but before you can talk about "small" or "large" you need to have the equation written in a-dimensional variables. It does not make sense to compare terms with different units [e.g.: "m smaller than b" is non-sense!] Note however, that when you select time scales (and other scales) to write the equations in a-dimensional form, there is the implication that those scales are relevant for the solutions that you are interested in! Neglecting terms (even when allowed) cannot be done % \ for "all" solutions; only for certain classes of % | *** [A] solutions that are of interest for whatever reasons. % / Forgetting this leads to "paradoxes", of which there have been many in the history of science, until how [A] works was properly understood. We will not get into this here. Note: astronomers and fluid dynamicists have developed very powerful methods to compute solutions of dynamical systems which are a small perturbation of the solutions of a known system. We will see some of them later. Mention example of Neptune, Pluto, and Charon. % ============================================================================= % NEW POINT. Numerical methods: Talk about resolution, tolerance, and "numerical chaos". Example: "chaotic" planet orbits in 2-body problem! % % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %