18.311 Rodolfo R. Rosales.
Course MatLab Scripts.
MIT, Spring 2010.
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MatLab is used extensively in this course. The scripts will be provided via a downloadable "toolkit", with instructions for its use within a pre-existent MatLab installation. From time to time, as new scripts are added (or older ones are modified) a new version of the toolkit will be made available. The scripts are an integral part of the course. Students are expected to use them extensively.

The scripts are user friendly and come with the MatLab help feature enabled: Once in MatLab, the commands "help 311TC" and "help 18311" display a list of the available scripts, with a short description of what they do. Individual help is also available for each script. Note also that there is plenty more information buried in the comments inside each script.

Download MatLab Toolkit. Compression:   zip   or   tgz.

After you expand the download, you will get a folder with: (a) A text file with installation instructions. (b) A special MatLab script needed for the installation. (c) A folder with the toolkit scripts.

MatLab scripts in Athena:
Older (last updated in the Spring of 2003) versions of the course MatLab scripts are stored in the 18.311 Athena locker (MatLab subdirectory). These scripts are not being maintained, and I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information below.

There are two ways to access this software (at least):
1) Dash menu entries for 18.311 in Athena Workstations.
2) From the command line (i.e. athena%) in Athena, by typing:
      athena% add 18.311
      athena% 18.311matlab5 or 18.311matlab6 or 18.311matlab7

Once in MatLab, the commands "help 311TC" and "help 18311" display a list of the available scripts with a short description of what they do. Individual help is also available for each script.

It is also possible to cd to the MatLab directory in the Athena locker, and copy the scripts into personal accounts, where they can be modified.