Wiley E. Coyote Question 2022/04/14 Email your answer to me. I will post the answer around April 23. Out in the west, where Wiley E. Coyote lives, there is a very narrow deep canyon. At the top of the canyon there is a bridge crossing it; at the bottom there is a stream, very pretty with clear water, deep pools, and some water-falls. However, it is, essentially, inaccessible. But Wiley wants to get to the stream, and take pictures of it, close up. Genius that he is, he figures a way to do it: He buys a (very long) rubber rope [i.e.: the type used for bungee jumping]; ACME brand, of course. Then attaches it to the bridge, and very carefully lowers himself down. Then he hangs down there, about 200 m below the bridge, and comfortably watches the stream and takes pictures, hanging on the bunjee cord harness. While he is down there, the road-runner happens to cross the bridge, and sees a string on the road. Confusing it with a worm, he tries to eat it. But it turns out that this string pulls the release mechanism for the bungee cord, which then detaches from the bridge. This happens at time t = 0. Now the question: let z = vertical coordinate, z = 0 = height at which the bridge sits, and z = w(t) the position of Wiley. For t < 0, w = - 200 m. What is the value of w = w(t) for 0 < t < 2 sec? <############## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note: use real physics to answer. Not the weird physics in the Wiley E. Coyote cartoons. Also: justify it; no guessing! EOF