Kitchen Experiments and Shocks in the Web
Suggested problem set, do not turn it in.

Play with the faucet water jet, as it impinges on a dish. Notice the hydraulic jump that forms, and see how it changes as you vary the jet velocity, flux, and dish depth (horizontal dish). Try changing the inclination of the dish.

Interesting stuff in the web.
Take a look at the following sites; look for others. Searches for "tidal bores", "hydraulic jumps", "flash floods", "flood waves", "mascaret wave", "gallactic jet shocks", "termination shock", etc., should provide some interesting stuff to look at.
  • Picture of a sonic boom.
  • Sonic boom pictures.
  • Hubble views the Crab Nebula.
  • The Crab Nebula from Hubble.
  • Search "The Shock and Extended Remnant around the Crab Nebula".
  • Turbulent bore on the river severn.
  • Search "The mascaret in the Seine".
  • BZ Cam Bow Shock.
  • New Shocks For Supernova 1987A.
  • Shocked by Supernova 1987A.
  • Shocked by Supernova 1987a.
  • Solar Shock Wave.
  • A Large Tsunami Shock Wave on the Sun.
  • Cygnus Loop Supernova Shockwave.
  • The Pencil Nebula Supernova Shockwave.
  • Gemini North Images Bow Shock Near Galactic Center.
  • Supernova Remnant and Shock Wave.