Lecture 16, 18.300, Tue Apr 5, 2022. Summary Continue with Gas Dynamics, Acoustics, and Strings. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #052 Last lecture we computed the wave speed as c = sqrt{gamma*p/rho} --- sqrt{g*h} for Shallow water where p = 0.5*g*h^2. Do examples: Sound and tidal waves in deep ocean. Linearize equations. Acoustics. Show it reduces to 1-D wave equations, where we know solution [pset]. But want a "general method" [in pset we used a trick]. --- Write equation in vector form, and use the eigenvectors of the matrix to diagonalize equations. Get general solution for Y_t + A*Y_x = 0, for any diagonalizable matrix A with REAL eigenvectors. Explain why need real, and define HYPERBOLIC. --- Multiply vector equation by left eigenvector, and get characteristic forms. This method generalizes to the nonlinear case. For example, recall earlier calculation: rho_t + u*rho_x + rho*u_x = 0 times +/- c/rho plus u_t + u*u_x + (c^2/rho)*rho_x = 0 ---> (u_t + C*u_x) +/- (rho_t + C*rho_x) = 0 \ Characteristic form. where C = u =/- c [characteristic speeds]. / #053 Linear algebra facts. Show that can write L_n*R_m = delta_{n, m} for left and right eigenvectors of a real diagonalizable matrix. % % ========================================================================== NOTE: Here #nnn are references to the Lecture Points file. [PSQ] means Problem Set Question. The "lecture summaries and points" are NOT intended as study materials. The points purpose is explained in the "lecture points" file. The summaries are brief descriptions each lecture, used by the instructor to keep track of the material covered. They ARE *NOT* "lecture notes" to be used to study and/or replace attending the lectures, etc. They are provided for your convenience, as a help to organize your own notes. % ========================================================================== % EOF